
The ecological research of my lab examines the dynamics of plant populations and communities, and I have a special interest in mechanisms of coexistence. Much of our fieldwork occurs in Joshua Tree National Park, California with an emphasis on how drought, soil nutrients and neighbor interactions affect population and community dynamics of desert perennials.  I am passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, which has motivated research and scholarship on promoting inclusion for students and faculty of color in ecology and environmental disciplines. I assert that the experiences of people of color are central to identifying and removing barriers to diverse participation in STEM broadly.


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Selected publications

Miriti, M. N.  2021.  The identity crisis of ecological diversity.  Ecological Applications.  DOI: 10.1002/eap.2352

Miriti, M. N., G. Bowser, C.R. Cid and N. C. Harris.  2021.  Overcoming blind spots to promote environmental justice research. Trends in Ecology and Evolutionhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2020.12.011Miriti, M. N., K. Bailey, S. J. Halsey, and N. C. Harris. (2020) Hidden figures in ecology and evolution. Nature Ecology & Evolution 14249:14249, https://rdcu.be/b5R4W.

Miriti, M. N.  (2020)  The elephant in the room:  Race and STEM diversity.    Bioscience, doi:10.1093/biosci/biz167

Miriti, M. N. (2019)  Nature in the eye of the beholder:  A case study for cultural humility as a strategy to broaden participation in STEM.  Education Sciences, 9, 291; doi:10.3390/educsci9040291

Woods, N. N., R. McCarthy & M.N. Miriti (2019) Non-hierarchical competition among co-occurring woods seedlings in a resource-limited environment.  Ecosphere,  10(5):e02751. 10.1002/ecs2.2751

Woods N.N. & Miriti M.N. (2016) Ubiquitous germination among common perennial species in response to facilitated and unfacilitated microhabitats. Journal of Arid Environments, 124, 72–79.