Scholarly Work
Bulletins, Tech Reports, Fact Sheets
Thoreau, M. (2019). Tech Recipe: Starting A Scholastic Drone Racing Team (Report No. CDFS-1576). [Fact Sheet] Ohioline. Retrieved from Publication status: Published (peer-reviewed fact sheet.)
Thoreau, M. (2017). CODE LITERACY: INCREASING K-12 CODING EDUCATION IN OHIO (Report No. CDFS-1574). [Fact Sheet] Ohioline. Retrieved from Publication status: Published (peer-reviewed fact sheet, online stats found in Online Stats Reporting Section.)
Thoreau, M. (2018). Pickaway County Community Needs Assessment and Survey Results, with Executive Summary. [Report]. Retrieve from: Publication status: Published.
Unpublished/Distributed Work:
Thoreau, M. (2019). Career Exploration: air travel industry [Pamphlet] Retrieved from (Peer-reviewed by airport professionals, pamphlet.)
Invited and Scholarly Presentations
Thoreau, M. (2019). Drones Change Everything: female student drone pilots (presentation). The American Association of University Women. Lecture conducted from Circleville, OH, United States. Retrieved from: (invited)
Thoreau, M. (2017). Engaging Students in STEM. Teays Valley Viking Academy. Lecture conducted from Ashville, OH, United States. Retrieved from: (invited)
Beam, B. (2019). Simulation-based Learning: Experience VR. Innovate 2019: X. Lecture conducted from: (scholarly presentation)
Thoreau, M.; Horton, R.; House, P.L. (2018). Physbot: Tech Fitness Challenge. Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Conference: Building Well-Connected Communities. Lecture conducted from Columbus, OH, United States. (scholarly presentation)
Beam, B. (2019). Simulation-based Learning: Let Virtual Reality Revolutionize Your Teaching. Innovate 2019: X. Lecture conducted from: (scholarly presentation)
Thoreau, M. (2019). The 4th Industrial Revolution, 21st Century Engagement: What’s it Mean? And How to Engage? Annual Extension and Community Engagement Conferences. Lecture conducted from: (scholarly presentation, online stats found in Online Stats Reporting Section.)
Thoreau, M., (2019). The Importance of Millennials in the Workplace. National Association of Extension Professionals National Conference. Lecture conducted from Asheville, NC, United States Retrieved from: (scholarly presentation)
Thoreau, M. (2018). 21st Century Workforce: Skillsets & Growth Mindset for Educators to Target. 2018 National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals. Lecture conducted from Cleveland, OH, United States. Retrieved from: (scholarly presentation)
Creative Works Publications
Thoreau, M. (2019). Feffer. Photography. The Highland County Office of Ohio State University Extension and County Facilities. [Curators(s): 2019 Germinate International Film Festival Selection Committee].
Moving Image
Thoreau M(Producer), (2021). OSU Extension Program Highlights, Winter 2020. For Pickaway County Commissioners (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: iMovie.
Thoreau M (Producer) (Director). (2020). Crane Logistics 360 VR Tour, 6-part VR Experience Series (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: Premiere Pro.
Thoreau M (Producer) (Director). (2020). Arthropods: Differences Between Spiders and Insects (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: Keynote, iMovie.
Thoreau M (Producer), & Estadt M (2020). Ohio Barley Fields 2020 (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: Adobe Spark
Thoreau M (Producer), (2020). Chem Basics & Career Exploration (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: iMovies
Thoreau M (Producer), (2020). 2019 Chevy Bolt Interior [Moving Image]. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: GoPro App
Thoreau M(Producer), (2020). COSI Playground 360 VR Experience (360 video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: GoPro App
Thoreau M (Producer), (2020). Elementary STEM Club, Chemistry Unit (360 video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: GoPro App
Thoreau M (Producer), (2020). OSU Extension partners with Circleville’s Extra Mile Program: 360 VR Clip (360 video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: GoPro App
Thoreau M. (Producer), & Thoreau M. (Director). (2020). Extra Mile Program: littleBits [Moving Image]. Distributed By: Meghan Thoreau. Available from: [Additional Fields] Medium: iMovies
Thoreau, M. (Producer) 2019 SCRATCH PSA Code Challenge (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies.
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. Elementary STEM Club Computer Science Fundamentals (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. Elementary STEM Club: Catapults & Creative Writing Challenge (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies.
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. Circleville High School Drone Racing Team, Spring Practice 2019 (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: Clips
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. Little Bits OSU Extension Program (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. Circleville Drone Racing Team Maker X, OSU Extension Programming [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies.
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. Foldscope Origami Microscope (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies.
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. STEM Physic Challenges: force and balancing (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies.
Thoreau, M. (Producer), 2019. Parrot Droning, OSU Extension and Circleville City School District (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies
Thoreau, M. (Producer), (2018). PhysBot & Fitness Challenges, STEM Club Highlights (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies.
Thoreau, M. (Producer), (2018). International Strategic Board Game Challenges Program Highlights (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies.
Thoreau M. (Producer), (2018). Persistence of Vision, Teays Valley STEM Club Program Highlight (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: Cinamatic
Thoreau M. (Producer), (2018). Chromatography Detectives, Teays Valley STEM Club Program Highlight (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: Cinamatic
Thoreau M. (Producer), (2018). Pickaway WORKS Lifeskills & Career Development Program Overview (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies
Thoreau M. (Producer), (2018). OSU Extension: 21st Century Workforce & Coding Programming (video production) [Moving Image]. Available from: Medium: iMovies
Other Creative Works and Presentations
Thoreau, M. (2020). Simple Circuits, LEDs, and Paper Circuit Design Challenges (post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Simple Circuits and LEDs (presentation). [Program Presentation]. Elementary STEM Club Program. Medium: Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Future Entomology (presentation). [Program Presentation] Virtual STEM Club. Lecture conducted from Circleville, Ohio. Medium: Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Virtual STEM Club: Digital Citizen, Academic Conversation, Future of Learning, Cultural Awareness, Video Meeting Etiquette, and Schoology classroom tour (presentation). Virtual STEM Club. Lecture conducted from Circleville, Ohio. Medium: Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Video Conferencing 101 (presentation). [Program Presentation]. Elementary STEM Club. Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Video Production and Educational Storytelling (presentation). [Program Presentation]. Elementary STEM Club Program. Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). VR 360 Experiences (presentation). [Program Presentation]. Elementary STEM Club Program. Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Careers in Chemistry (presentation). [Program Presentation]. Elementary STEM Club Program. Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Entomology STEM Club Challenges (post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2020-11-20. Retrieved from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Virtual Learning & Digital Communities Require Digital Citizenship & Academic Conversation (post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2020-11-19. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Virtual STEM Club November Kick-off: video conferencing etiquette, Schoology, bug benefits, and career paths within Entomology! (post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2020-10-15. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). #NationalBusinessWomensDay: special career exploration webinar recording (post) [Program highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Mind Stretched, Professional Program Blog, Start date: 2020-9-22. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Pickaway Businesswomen Roundtable (post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Mind Stretched, Professional Program Blog, Start date: 2020-9-11.
Thoreau, M. (2020). littleBits: Hands-on Prototyping and Learning with Modular Electronics (peer-reviewed post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Ohio 4-H STEM Blog, Start date: 2020-7-15, Pagination: 1-8. Retrieved from: (peer-reviewed post)
Thoreau, M. (2020). Pickaway County’s 2020 COSI SciFest Events: Recaps & Recordings (post) [Programs Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Start date: 2020-6-9. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Educational Apps You Can Take Outside and a Family Virtual Tour of George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate! (post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2020-4-23. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Video Conferencing Etiquette, Summary Writing Challenge, and Big Bang AR App! (post) [Program Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2020-4-7. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Coronavirus is NO JOKE! Limit person-to-person transmission of the virus (post) [program update]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Blog, Start date: 2020-3-11. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Chem Basics and Career Exploration (post) [program highlight]. Elementary STEM Club Program Blog. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2020-2-4. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). littleBits: Day 2 (presentation) [Program Presentation]. Circleville, OH, United States: Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Circleville Extra Mile Program, Start date: 2020-1-15, End date: 2020-1-15, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). littleBits: Day 1 (presentation) [Program Presentation]. Circleville, OH, USA: Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Circleville Extra Mile Program, Start date: 2020-1-8, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2020). Tech Recipe: Starting A Scholastic Drone Racing Team, fact sheet, (post) [Publication Highlight]. Circleville, Ohio, Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Mind Stretched, Professional Program Blog, Start date: 2020-1-6. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2019). The New Superpower: The Power of Code (post) [program highlight]. Elementary STEM Club Program Blog. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2019-12-3, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieved from:
Thoreau, M. (2019). Computer Programming: binary, algorithms, Hack Your Harvest, Pitch Your Passion (presentation) [Program Presentation]. Pickaway County School Districts. Publication: Computer Programming: binary, algorithms, Hack Your Harvest, Pitch Your Passion, presentation, Start date: 2019-11-4, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2019). Drones Change Everything (presentation) [Program Presentation]. OSUE Youth Programs. Start date: 2019-8-19, Medium: Prezi Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2019). Foldscope the “Origami Microscope” Build and Investigation Biology Lab (post) [Youth Programs]. Elementary STEM Club Program Blog. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Program Blog, Start date: 2019-4-16, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2019). Astronomy: STEM Challenges (presentation) [Presentation]. Pickaway County School Districts. Start date: 2019-4-2, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2019). FOLDSCOPES “The Origami Microscope” Build & Investigation Lab (presentation) [teaching]. OH, USA: Pickaway County School Districts. Start date: 2019-1-8, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Workforce Health Advanced by STEM Programming, Body and Mind Workout Challenges (post) [STEM Programming, Workforce Development, Life Skills]. Columbus, OH, United States: OSUE. Publication: OSUE Community Development Blog, Start date: 2018-12-27, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieve from: (peer-reviewed post)
Thoreau, M. (2018). PhysBot Fitness and Strategic Board Game Challenges (post) [STEM Programming and Life Skills]. Columbus, OH, United States: Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Blog, Start date: 2018-12-13, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Problems to Solutions: an application of Problem Based Learning (PBL) (presentation) [teaching]. OH, USA: Pickaway County School District and Pickaway WORKS. Start date: 2018-11-14, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). International Strategy Board Game Challenges (presentation) [teaching]. OH, USA: Pickaway County School Districts. Start date: 2018-11-6, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Computer Programming Fundamentals (presentation) [teaching]. Ashville, OH, United States: Walnut Elementary School. Start date: 2018-11-5. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Halloween STEM Challenges: chemistry of color, vision, and slime (post) [STEM Programming and Life Skills]. Circleville, OH, United States: Meghan Thoreau. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Blog, Start date: 2018-10-29, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). PhysBot STEM Club Challenges (presentation) [Program Presentation]. OH, United States: Pickaway County School Districts. Publication: PhysBot STEM Club Challenges, Start date: 2018-10-8, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Developing the 21st Century Skillset through Learning and Building Electric Circuits (post) [STEM Programming, Life Skills]. Circleville, OH, United States: Elementary STEM Club Blog. Publication: Elementary STEM Club Blog, Start date: 2018-10-1, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). “Applied” Program Development: upgrading programs and outreach through more hands-on technology and 21st-century skillsets [Workforce Development]. Columbus, OH, United States: OSUE Community Development Blog. Publication: OSUE Community Development Blog, Start date: 2018-6-28. Retrieved from: (peer-reviewed post)
Thoreau, M. (2018). 3D Printing in Space (presentation) [Program Presentation]. OH, USA: Pickaway County School Districts. Publication: 3D Printing in Space, Start date: 2018-6-25, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Train-the-trainer, Hands-on Coding Workshop: Sphero (program curriculum) [STEM Programming]. Blairsville, GA, USA: National Association of Extension Professionals National Conference. Publication: National Association of Extension Professionals National Conference, Start date: 2018-6-13, Ed.: 1st, Medium: Handout Curriculum. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Escape Tomb STEM Challenge (presentation) [Program Presentation]. OH, United States: Pickaway County School Districts. Start date: 2018-5-7, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Catapult Challenge (presentation) [teaching]. OH, USA: Pickaway County School District. Start date: 2018-5-3, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2018). Paper Circuits with LEDs (presentation) [teaching]. OH, USA: Pickaway County School Districts and Pickaway County Library. Publication: Paper Circuits with LEDs, Start date: 2018-2-7, Medium: Prezi. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2017). Smart Cities, Healthy People: Community Development that Builds Social Capital [Community Development]. Community Development Professional Blog. Publication: OSU Extension – Community Development Professional Blog, Start date: 2017-12-14, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieve from: (peer-reviewed post)
Thoreau, M. (2017). Computer Programming Fundaments (presentation) [Presentation/Program]. OH, United States: Pickaway County School Districts. Start date: 2017-12-1, Medium: Prezi. Retrieved from:
Thoreau, M. (2017). 21st Century Workforce, STEM Careers (presentation) [Program Presentation]. Pickaway County School Districts. Publication: 21st Century Workforce, STEM Careers, Start date: 2017-11-1, Medium: Prezi. Retrieved from:
Thoreau, M. (2017). Learning Infographic Design (post) [Professional Blog]. Mind Stretched Professional Blog. Start date: 2017-4-10, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieve from:
Thoreau, M. (2017). 2017 Science Olympiad State Tournament (post) [Professional Blog]. Mind Stretched, Professional Blog. Start date: 2017-4-8, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieved from:
Thoreau, M. (2017). STEM Parenthood: every childhood needs a little coding (post) [Professional Blog]. Mind Stretched, STEM Blog. Publication: STEM Parenthood: every childhood needs a little coding, Start date: 2017-3-8, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieved from:
Thoreau, M. (2017). Art Exhibit Inspires Tech Innovation in Art Curriculums (post) [Professional Blog]. Mind Stretched, STEM Blog. Start date: 2017-1-17, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieved from:
Thoreau, M. (2017). Collaborative ‘Work Zones’ transcend traditional office space [Program Area Professional Blog]. OSUE Community Development Blog. Publication: OSU Extension, Community Development Professional Blog, Start date: 2017-1-12, Medium: u.osu Blog. Retrieved from: (peer-reviewed post)
Press Features
Circleville Herald. (2019, September 27). AAUW hears from science students. Circleville Herald. Retrieved from: (featured in)
Thoreau, M. (2019, July 13). STEM students get introduced to aerospace careers. Circleville Herald. Retrieved from:
Ohio Department of Education. (2019, January 11). State and Local Education News: Drone-racing club takes off as fun way to learn STEM skills in Columbus Dispatch. Retrieve from: (featured in)
Zachariah, H. (2019, January 11). Drone-racing club takes off as fun way to learn STEM skills. Columbus Dispatch. Retrieved from: (featured in)
Thoreau, M. (2017, August 25). STEM in Action. Circleville Herald. Retrieved from:
Misc Works
Thoreau, M. (February 2015). South Dakota’s County Site Analysis Program. Dakota Rural Action: Legislative Blog, Brookings, SD.
Thoreau, M. (February 2015). Pushing the cost-benefit envelope? The Rarity of Cost-benefit Analysis Studies in South Dakota. Dakota Rural Action: Legislative Blog, Brookings, SD.
Thoreau, M. (February 2015). Roles in State Budget. Dakota Rural Action Legislative Blog, Brookings, SD.
Thoreau, M. (January 2015). Tribal Legislative Consideration: the ‘Vanishing Americans’ Comeback. Dakota Rural Action: Legislative Blog, Brookings, SD.
Thoreau, M. (January 2015). Legislative Leadership. Dakota Rural Action: Legislative Blog, Brookings, SD.
Thoreau, M.( January 2015). Supermajorities, State of the State, and What Goes Unsaid. Dakota Rural Action: Legislative Blog, Brookings, SD.
Thoreau, M. Dlugos, A, Hautaniemi, D., Kambo, R., Olthof, R., Shaw, S., and Thigpen, J. November 2011. Municipal Guide: for energy impacted communities. Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board, Corning, NY. Retrieve from:…
Thoreau, M. Thigpen, J. (2011). Steuben County Water Quality Coordinating Committee Annual Report. Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board, Corning, NY.
Thoreau, M. Thigpen, J. (2010). Steuben County Water Quality Coordinating Committee Annual Report. Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board, Corning, NY.
Thoreau, M. Collins, R., Fiorentino, D., Gunderman, R., and Trimber, J. (October 2011). 2010 Annual Report for Chemung County Water Quality Strategy Committee, Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board, Corning, NY.
Thoreau, M. (March 2012). “STC Regional Watersheds Map,” Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board, Corning, NY.
Thoreau, M. (August 2011). “Well Permits Types in Schuyler County Regulated by NYSDEC Map,” Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board, Corning, NY.