2018-2019 G.O.A.L.S.

Global Awareness: 

At some point at my time at Ohio State I want to study abroad. I am interested in traveling somewhere in Europe such as Greece, Spain, or Italy. I also want to travel somewhere on a service trip, such as a Buck-I-Serv trip. I want to go to somewhere like Ghana or Costa Rica and work with people in another country or somewhere around the US. Through Health Science Scholars, we are given many opportunities that introduce us to the diversity in the US and in the world such as the DICE certificate program.

Original Inquiry:

Over the course of the freshman year, I have learned about the research process in the chemistry 1210 course and experienced this during the lab portion of the class. In this course we conduct an experiment and then write a lab report on the experiment. In my english 1110.01 class, I researched gender roles in the US and how those roles affect people. I wrote an extensive paper on this topic throughout the course of the class as well. My goal is to get experience in a professional lab next year.

Academic Enrichment:

In the beginning of the year I chose to study the ‘health sciences’ major. Recently I have decided to switch into the ‘human development and family sciences’ major. My eventual goal is being an occupational therapist and I found another major I will enjoy more to help me get to that goal. My intended minor is disability studies, as that topic is one that is close to my heart. I should still graduate on time even though I switched my major but I am looking forward to a new start with HDFS and the college of education and human ecology.

Leadership Development:

Throughout this year I have been mainly involved with Health Science Scholars through going to the large events and group activities. I am currently in Autism Speaks club as well as a newer club called Buckeyes Give a Break. Both clubs work with children who have disabilities which connects to my minor. I also did CHAARG this year which is a workout group for girls. Next year I want to become more involved in the organizations I am involved in and work toward my goals in one day becoming a leader in them.

Service Engagement:

This year in service I have been involved a lot with my scholars community, as we have been to a place called Heinzerling Community and volunteered there multiple times. I have volunteered at schools with Autism Speaks as well as assist families with Buckeyes Give a Break. My goal next semester is to be volunteering at the Wexner Center and shadowing/volunteering with occupational therapists around Columbus. I am also going to be involved with College Mentors for Kids this upcoming semester!

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