There are many different tools that can be used to improve learning in may different ways.
Students in the world today and having to do more reading ands learning digitally than ever before. There are tools such as Notability, OneNote, Evernote, and MindMup that help students take notes digitally more effectively (TECHNOLOGIES: Digital Note-Taking, 2019). Additionally, Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader helps students use pdfs to help them reader using electronic copies (TECHNOLOGIES: Digital Note-Taking, 2019).
There are other tools designed to help you organize your time so you get all your assignments and everything else in life done on time. One technology is called Trello. Trello allows you to make a board and put things in categories based on whether you need to do them, you are in progress of doing them, or you have finished doing them (TECHNOLOGIES: Trello: AU19 ESLTECH 2011 – Keys Online Success, 2019). Trello allows lets you create checklists within each task and make a due date so you stay on top of things. Below is a screenshot of a Trello board I made to help me prepare for a weekend trip I took.
It is important for students to find reliable sources when they do research online so there are technology tips students can use to find the best sources. When searching for resources on Google, there are many tricks to help get better results. First, you should use start with a simple input and make sure you pick the words you use carefully to help you find the best results (How to search on Google, n.d.). For example, if you want results that are medical or academic try to use words medical or academic sites would use (How to search on Google, n.d.). Also, there are many symbols you can use to refine the results you get when you search. For example, to get social media results put an “@” in-front, to find a price put a “$” in-front, to search for result within a range of numbers put “..” in-between the numbers, and to find a hashtag put a “#” in-front (Refine web searches, n.d.). Additionally you can use a “-” to exclude a word from showing up in the results, put quotations around words to find that exact phrase in the results, and you can search for multiple things at once by putting the word “or” in-between the items (Refine web searches, n.d.). Finally, you can put “site:” in front of a website so the results include the website and put “related:” in front on something to find websites that are reacted to that website (Refine web searches, n.d.). All of these tools help students find better resources.
There are also tools that allow students to have discussions and even video conferences online when they cannot meet up in person. Skype allows students to have video conferences to work together from wherever they are (TECHNOLOGIES: Online Collaboration Tools, 2019). Google Hangout gives students the ability to video call, voice call, and message with others (TECHNOLOGIES: Online Collaboration Tools, 2019). Lastly, Zoom allows online video meetings, video webinars, phone calls, messaging, and conferences rooms where you can have video meeting for easy online collaboration (TECHNOLOGIES: Online Collaboration Tools, 2019). There are lots of technologies that make it easy for students to work together online.
How to search on Google. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2019, from
Refine web searches. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2019, from
TECHNOLOGIES: Digital Note-Taking. (2019). Retrieved November 24, 2019, from
TECHNOLOGIES: Online Collaboration Tools. (2019). Retrieved November 24, 2019, from
Technologies: Trello Project Management. (2019). Retrieved November 24, 2019, from