Academic Enrichment

I am a psychology major here at Ohio State, and am very passionate about this field of study in particular. Outside of my class schedule, which currently only consists of one psychology class, I have been actively seeking out more ways to get involved with the department. Before coming to Ohio State, I had no idea just how many opportunities there were to get involved around campus. After going to the involvement fair, I decided upon joining the Positive Psychology club. At our bi-weekly meetings, we explore mindfulness practices, learn more about the psychology behind happiness in general, and listen to speakers. In addition to this club, I am signed up for a psychology class next semester that will allow me to do research on my own time at Cosi. The research is focused on language development in children, which I am very interested in, so I am excited to be directly involved in the data collecting part of my field of study. Lastly, I plan to apply for the position of Psychology Ambassador within my department. Psychology Ambassadors have the opportunity to serve as teacher assistants for survey classes, plan department events, and connect with staff and students within the department. I believe that this would give me an amazing chance to get more involved with the field of study that I love, and help me forge relationships with like-minded people.

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