Academic Enrichment

I am a psychology major here at Ohio State, and am very passionate about this field of study in particular. Outside of my class schedule, which currently only consists of one psychology class, I have been actively seeking out more ways to get involved with the department. Before coming to Ohio State, I had no idea just how many opportunities there were to get involved around campus. After going to the involvement fair, I decided upon joining the Positive Psychology club. At our bi-weekly meetings, we explore mindfulness practices, learn more about the psychology behind happiness in general, and listen to speakers. In addition to this club, I am signed up for a psychology class next semester that will allow me to do research on my own time at Cosi. The research is focused on language development in children, which I am very interested in, so I am excited to be directly involved in the data collecting part of my field of study. Lastly, I plan to apply for the position of Psychology Ambassador within my department. Psychology Ambassadors have the opportunity to serve as teacher assistants for survey classes, plan department events, and connect with staff and students within the department. I believe that this would give me an amazing chance to get more involved with the field of study that I love, and help me forge relationships with like-minded people.

Landen Swim Team

For the past three summers, I have had the privilege of coaching for our local swim team, the Landen Stingrays. Throughout the years, I have instructed children ages four through twelve, of all different abilities. I have had the opportunity not only to teach them swim skills, but also to act as a mentor for them, and build relationships with them. This experience has been so valuable and special to me, as I have learned patience, perseverance, and creative problem-solving strategies through it. My positive involvement with this team made me realize how much I enjoy working with children, especially young kids, and has consequently motivated my career aspiration of becoming a school psychologist. I plan to continue coaching in the future, as well as broaden my horizons to other opportunities that involve impacting children in a positive way.

Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

Service Engagement

I have always believed strongly in giving back to the community, and making an asserted effort to get involved in service no matter where I am. In high school, I was extremely involved in our school’s track camp program, as a counselor. I forged relationships with the children and fostered a love of the sport within them, all the while teaching them the basics of track and field. Currently at Ohio State, I am volunteering at a local Columbus library at the Homework Help Center. Here, I not only help children with their homework, I also act as positive role model for them, and build the consistent relationship that may be lacking from their lives. I can’t describe how much I enjoy working with the kids there, and I can confidently say that I have fallen in love with this service… I will definitely continue volunteering with this organization throughout my college experience. I truly believe that everyone has something valuable to contribute to their community, and that service is what makes the world go round, and connects all of us, no matter how different our backgrounds. This is why I plan to continue the community service that I’m already involved in, and pick up more opportunities along the way, as I make my way through my four years at OSU.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.  For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

ACES Film Project

This semester, I had the opportunity to watch and create a presentation for the film Homeless: The Motel Kids of Orange County for my scholars class. Our group analyzed the film, and connected it back to the G.O.A.L.S. pillars that make up the foundation for the honors and scholars programs here at OSU. The documentary follows the impoverished families that live in a particular motel in California, and the harsh conditions that they are forced to endure because of the high cost of living in that part of the state. It focuses particularly on the children, and the damaging effect that this particular way of life has on them and their well-being. The film was eye-opening, and gave us a new perspective on the issue of homelessness, and the stigma that surrounds it. It also shone light on the things that we can do in our own community (whether that is donating clothing, volunteering in soup kitchens, or advocating for children in that position), to help people affected by homelessness. This project not only fine-tuned my analyzation and presentation skills, it also inspired me to give back to the community of Columbus by volunteering with children at an after school program at a local library, and act as a mentor for them.

Image result for homeless: motel kids of orange county"

About Me

Hello! My name is Bella Miller and I’m a first-year student here at Ohio State. I’m from Cincinnati, Ohio, and I’m the oldest of four kids. I’m a psychology major, and after my four years here, I intend to go to grad school and become a school psychologist. I’m in the Advocates for Communities and Education scholars program, and can’t wait to get even more involved with it as I settle into my routine next semester. I absolutely love working with kids, and I’ve had the privilege of coaching for our local swim team the past few years. I’m currently pretty involved both on campus and off. I love the cycling classes offered here, and I attend them almost daily. I recently got involved with the Homework Help center at a public library nearby, which is a program for children who need a place to go after school, and I hope to continue volunteering there over the course of my college experience. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at OSU so far, and I can’t wait for what’s to come!