Semester in Review

In this Semester, Fall 2018, much has occurred that has changed who I am as a student. Firstly, this was my first semester at The Ohio State University. This was a major change in my life. I had to change and become more responsible and more self-reliant. I realized how much I relied on my parents to do things for me, as now I have to do those things for myself. It has made me appreciate all the things my parents have done and helped me through in my life.

Another change that has occurred in this semester is that I have got involved with undergraduate research. In fact, I have actually gotten my own research project to work on in the lab. This has been absolutely amazing, as it has provided an opportunity to apply the knowledge I have gained from my classes. From my undergraduate research, I have also gotten so much experience that I do not believe I would have gained normally. I also have gained more confidence in myself from working on my own research project in the lab.

Finally, this semester I have gotten involved in three clubs/societies. The first is Helix BBB. Helix BBB is a biological honors society at The Ohio State University. In this society, we do volunteer projects as well as projects that help educate students about the Biological Sciences. Another club I joined was First Aid Response Club (FARC). In FARC, we learn about first aid techniques that are important not only in emergencies but in daily life. With this knowledge, we help educate and inform the public about first aid techniques. We also help fundraise for first aid kits that we can provide to underprivileged and at-risk communities. Finally, the last club I joined was Doctors Without Borders (MSF) club. Doctors Without Borders club helps fundraise for MSF. The club also is planning on working with Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS). By working with CRIS, we hope to be able to help comfort those displaced from their home.

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