
Global Awareness

I believe that global awareness is being not only aware of the problems in your community but also the problems that people of all different cultures and backgrounds are facing worldwide. Being globally aware is a continual process of seeking to know the problems that people all over the world are facing.

I feel that global awareness is very important if social change is going to occur. I try to stay globally engaged by seeking out the problems in various communities. In the past few months, I have done  things like visit the multicultural center to learn about various backgrounds, cultures, and identities. This taught me that being culturally aware is very important to create appropriate change. I also attended a seminar that discussed food insecurity on college campuses. Through attending things like these, I  have become more aware of problems in my community and communities all over the world. I truly believe that the first step to change is becoming aware of issues. I plan to continue to be globally aware and to use what I have learned to create small change where I can.