
My first semester

What I have learned in my first year at OSU

The first and most important lesson I learned this year was to take time for myself. The first few weeks I was very stressed and emotional. I learned that I needed to have a set time for myself at least once a week. My weekly routine is on Thursdays night my roommate is in class until 8 so I have the room to myself so I will shower, do a face mask, paint my nails, and watch a movie. This has really helped with finding my center in the craziness of college. 

The next lesson I learned is that professors want to help you the best they can. My favorite class this semester is the sociological aspects of deviance. I have never missed that class and I always actively participate in class. I did very good one the first exam but the second one not so much. I talked to him after class and he decided since I was a good student that he would let me do some extra work to get my grade up. The third exam I studied very hard and got a 53/50. 

Another lesson I learned was to find a good group of friends. At first I felt like I did not really have close friends. I then realized that I found my friends when I was going through a rough week. Everyday they checked up on me and made sure I was okay. It is so important to have a solid group of friends when we are going through such a transitional time in our lives. 

The next lesson I learned this semester was not to procrastinate. I have a term paper in my philosophy class and our professor let us have two chances to write it. I choose to do the first one that was in October and I am so happy I did. I got a good grade so I do not have to write a second once. In every single one of my classes I have a term paper due and I am so glad I did that one early.

The last lesson I learned was to not be so hard myself. College is hard and it is a learning experience. High school did not prepare me for the difficulty and amount of work I was going to do this semester. I was very hard on myself at the beginning and I was not doing as well. When I took a step back and really focused on my work and not on the grade I started to do better.

Where I’m From

The town I grew up in was surrounded by many wealthier towns. I also happened to go to the only non majority white high schools. From kindergarten to 5th grade I went to a basically all white Catholic private school. I knew that not all people were white because I had black and hispanic relatives. At that age I did not know why all my classmates looked exactly like me. After putting my parents in financial strange and finding a performing arts school in the area I was finally put in public school. Being put into public school was the best thing to happen to my 12 year old self. At public school I met so many new faces of all different races. I was finally somewhere I knew I belonged. I desired diversity and I finally was receiving it. I learned so many things from all different types of people. I had friends with all different races and religions. I believe if I continued with private school I would be a totally different person. When I talked to my old private school friends many of them continue to be close minded and judgmental to other cultures. Even throughout my high school there was a large gap between students. Driving to school you can see what socioeconomic status a person’s family was. If you were like me I drove my dads old car. My car was about 15 years old, had rust all over it, and was unclear if you will actually make it to your destination. While there were students who would drive brand new cars their parents bought for them on their 16th birthday. Then more often than not most kids do not have a car. Many families can not afford to buy another car. The majority of people at my school had to buy their own car or like me get a hand-me-down. Growing up in the town I did has benefited me tremendously. I have become so grateful to have met the people I have and have had the experiences I have had. Being exposed to all different types of people has taught me patience and respect. I’ve learned to be patient with people who have different cultures and to learn their ways instead of dismissing them.I am from Canton Ohio. I have a very large family with an even bigger heart. We are full of acceptance and love. No matter your gender, race or sexuality you are seen as equal and deserving of love and happiness. Having a family of all races and sexual orientation made me such a loving an accepting person.

My first week at OSU

I did not have high expectations for my first week at The Ohio State University. I thought I would be sitting in my room and making new friends, just hanging out, for the first few days until classes start. That was the complete opposite, I was busy every single day and had something to do all day long. It was nice having a schedule and opportunities to get involved and to make new friends.  Although by Sunday night I was ready for classes to start. The days felt very long but I started to know my way around campus and figuring out where I like to eat and hangout with friends. Even though I have been sick all week and need my mommy to take care of me, I have been having a great time.
When classes started, I was a little nervous at first, I was not sure what to expect. My professors are all wicked smart and a little crazy, in the best kind of way, I enjoyed all my classes from the very first day. I have not made many friends in my classes but I think it is because they are mostly upperclassmen and no one talks very much. In every class I try to participate at least once a class. My classes are not very intense, therefore I have a lot of time to get to know the campus and become involved. The classes I am in are about medium sized and I like that the best, there is class involvement but I could just sit and listen. 

My wanted to keep my expectations low but I have been blown out of the water. I have already done so much and learned so much. I am so excited for this school year and getting to know The Ohio State University. I’m also really excited to become a part of the Humanities Scholars family. I am ready to be a part of this group and I can’t wait to have conversations in class and during our meetings.

Hello, my name is Amelia

Hi! My name is Amelia Miller I am from Canton, Ohio and I am a first year at The Ohio State University. I am studying Criminology and a pre-law student.

I am super excited to start my academic journey!