
MODULE 07: Maintaining Motivation Blog Post

This last module was all about staying motivated and focusing on your goals and getting things done. This is a huge issue for many college students. You hear about college students who are not motivated all the time and ends up hurting them. Whether it is struggling in school or struggling in the work force trying to find a job or even maintaining a job. Motivation is a major key to success when having a good healthy successful lifestyle. Each day you should be more and more motivated to do better than yesterday. One quote that I have grown up on about motivation is “be better today than you were yesterday, and better tomorrow than we are today.” This quote really motivates me everyday. We talked about in this module having an intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. I am personally someone who is more intrinsically motivated because I do what is best for me and I want to better myself. Others are more extrinsically motivated and want the reward of pleasing others or physically receiving an award. Being motivated is more than just saying i am going to try hard today. Being motivated is a lifestyle of wanting to do better and be better every day. It is important to remain motivated while also staying humble and not trying to do too much. You need to know your limits.

Module 6: Searching and Researching Blog Post

The most useful thing i learned in this module are the importance of source credibility reliability and quality of the source. Being a student that has done a lot of research papers throughout high school and college it has become very important to find reliable sources. There are so many websites and sources that we believe are credible such as wikipedia that truly are not the most reliable because anyone can edit them. Those websites are fine to use for basic information and the minimal information but it is important to find reliable sources with credible authors that wrote the articles and did the research. The quality of an article is also very important because new information and studies come out everyday on the most interesting topics. In the slides for this module it shows certain things that we should look for when checking the quality of the source. Some of these things are is the article well written, is it up to date, does it include specifics, is it consistent, are there citations and are the credible citations, and does the article seem to be free of any bias. All of these aspects are very important when checking the credibility reliability and quality of any article.

Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies

I learned a lot about note taking and how to be more detailed while not doing too much writing during lectures. Note taking has always been an issue for me. I am not very good at taking notes and I struggle to keep up with the speed of many of my lectures. This module helped me learn new ways of getting the best of my notes while not over working myself and potentially not getting the right information. The video of the three professors from Indiana University taught me many new ways to take notes other than just putting down bullet points. In the video I learned three important things. One is speed. Speed like I said earlier has always been an issue for me and I have now learned that there are certain things that are more important than others and I have to point those out to help keep up with the speed of the lecture. Organization is very important. Some of the note taking styles they used are very well organized and I found it a lot easier to read and understand what actually they were taking notes on. Being attentive in class is another important topic. Being an active listener will help me get down the important information and I will take better notes. Note taking is a huge part of my college career. It is important that everyone finds what works best for them and they try to master there way of taking notes.

Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

Three good sources that I have found to be helpful for my reading or studying for school assignments are quizlet, study stack, and kahoot. Quizlet offers a lot of options on ways to study information whether it is a game or a list or just threw online flash cards. It has made studying for me a lot easier especially when I do not have time to create everything. I like study stack because it takes away a lot of the work of preparing. It is an online search database that has answers to many questions and important information. Kahoot is one of my favorites because it is interactive. You can make kahoot games that can be played with other people making studying with groups easier and a lot more fun. All of these have helped me throughout college and are making things easier and a lot less stressful. For me I do not memorize things very easily and using these apps/websites have for sure made my memorization better. I find that playing the games on the websites make it easier to memorize because it makes it more fun and interactive. Overall there are many incredible websites and apps for studying and memorization you just have to find the one that fits you best.

Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age Blog Post

One thing that really stood out to me in this module was learning about procrastination and why it happens. Personally I would consider myself an extreme procrastinator. Unfortunately it is often that I wait until the last minute to do an assignment or get something done. Procrastination is very common especially for college students. One thing that really stood out to me when using my tracking calendar was the amount of time I spend sleeping and the amount of time I spend doing personal or leisure activities. I spend a large amount of my day doing those things and only a small amount of my time either going to class or doing school work for any of my classes. Even though I often wait until the last minute because I feel as if I have no time. I have quickly figured out that is not true. I have a lot of time during the day I am just not managing my time well. With that being said using the calendar time tracking has really opened my eyes on what I need to do more of and what I need to do less of. Hopefully in the upcoming weeks my time will be spent more on doing school work and other activities days before they are due and not spending as much time doing leisure or personal activities. I also want to manage my sleep schedule better. Using the calendar tracker will hopefully help me out more.

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

I learned a lot about ways I can be more efficient with my work during this module. A few major things i would like to point out are how I have taken this helpful information and put it to use in my own life and ways that everyone else can benefit from this information as well. Some of the major things that I struggle with are time management and procrastination. I continuously wait until the last minute to get my work done and usually does not turn out to be my best work. Assignments that are assigned weeks even months ahead of when they are due I always end up waiting until the day or day before to do it and it overall has not turned out well for me. Time management is a big issue for me as well and goes along with procrastination. I do not manage my time well and end up putting things to the side until the last minute, until I have to do it. What I have learned from this module is that what I am doing is only hurting myself. If I manage my time better and do not procrastinate my work will be done earlier giving me more time to go over my work to make sure it is the best work I could possibly do. This also will give me more free time to do other things and make my life a lot less stressful. So my advice to other students is when an assignment is assigned do not wait until the last minute to do you’re only hurting yourself. Get the work done early, go over it make sure it is what you want your work to be and then enjoy the free time you get from not having to wait to do that work.