Assessing built environment walkability using activity-space summary measures

Tribby, C.P., Miller, H.J., Brown, B.B., Werner, C.M., & Smith, K.R. (2015). Assessing built environment walkability using activity-space summary measures. Journal Of Transport and Land Use. [Article in Press scheduled for vol. 9 (2016) issue 1 pp. 1–21]  doi:

There is increasing emphasis in fields such as transportation planning and public health on walking as a sustainable form of mobility and a means of achieving recommended physical activity for better health outcomes. A key question is measuring the influence of the built environment on walking to determine environmental modifications that enhance walkability.  However, it is unclear how to aggregate georeferenced walkability measures to geographic units that are meaningful for behavioral analysis.  This paper develops methods for assessing walkability within individual activity spaces: the geographic region accessible to an individual during a given walking trip. Based on objective walkability measures of the street blocks, we use three summary measures for walkability within activity spaces: i) the average walkability score across block segments, ii) the standard deviation, and iii) the network autocorrelation. We assess the method using data from an empirical study of built environment walkability and walking behavior in Salt Lake City, Utah. We visualize these activity-space summary measures to compare walkability among individuals’ trips within their neighborhoods. We also compare summary measures for activity spaces versus Census block groups.

Keywords: Walkability, activity spaces, built environment

The health benefits of public transit – latest paper from the Moving Across Places Study (MAPS)

The latest paper from the Moving Across Places Study (MAPS) of the influence of light rail transit construction and Complete Streets rehabilitation on physical activity in a neighborhood of Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.  We find that new public transit riders had beneficial improvements in physical activity and body mass index (BMI).  Our results suggest that transportation policy should consider the health benefits of public transit and walkable streets.

Barbara B. Brown, Carol M. Werner, Calvin P. Tribby, Harvey J. Miller, and Ken R. Smith (2015) “Transit Use, Physical Activity, and Body Mass Index Changes: Objective Measures Associated With Complete Street Light-Rail Construction,” American Journal of Public Health, 105(7), 1468-1474

Urban Big Data Centre – University of Glasgow

Next week I am traveling to the Urban Big Data Centre at the University of Glasgow to give a public lecture, teach a masterclass and visit with Prof. Vonu Thakuriah – perhaps the world’s leading expert on urban big data.

Registration is required.

If you happen to be in or near Glasgow, stop by and say aye, aye, hou’s aw wi ye?

Update – 25 June 2015: A link to a recording of my public lecture can be found here.  Enjoy!