Today’s Educators – Get Connected

Instructors need solid pre-service and ongoing training, professional development and mentoring opportunities to help teach their classes at any institution.

Over the years, I’ve taught at six institutions of higher learning:

  • three large, public 4-year universities
  • one medium-sized public 4-year university
  • one private 4-year liberal arts college
  • one community college

Pre-service training varied from a very basic, one-day orientation to an in-depth and thorough three-week orientation. Orientation activities included small and large group presentations about institutional & departmental services and policies, collaborative lesson planning, shadowing of experienced instructors, recorded micro-teaching lessons with accompanying reflection essays and personalized feedback by directors.

As educators, we are now living in an educational world that offers a wide variety of instructional modalities beyond that of the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. Are our pre-service and ongoing training programs preparing educators enough for the teaching methodologies that change according to each variable on the technology-intensive instructional spectrum?

technology-enhanced > blended > distance/online

Today’s Employers (Part 2 of 2)

Please share in the comments area the most important skill that has helped you succeed.
Part 1: Today’s Student and Learning Preferences
Part 2: Today’s Employers and What They Need

In Part 1, a snapshot was provided of today’s student and their learning preferences. In this post, the focus will be what skills students need based on information provided by today’s employers. After these two parts, I’ll be writing about what language educators can do to foster learning environments that will help students succeed beyond graduation.

This post’s research was started in September 2013 and is ongoing as of April 2014. Resources were pulled mainly from internet sources using the social media tools Twitter and Yammer. The research was initiated due to a desire to

  • communicate the value and relevancy of a liberal arts education
  • build in activities in distance education courses that apply the skills students need in their personal, academic and professional lives

Continue reading Today’s Employers (Part 2 of 2)