Active listening and the World Around Us

On Wednesday I went to a local coffee shop and started observing the people around me to see how they react with others in today’s technologically advanced society. I wondered is it possible to still give someone your full attention and time when there are the constant distractions of social media and texting. It seems that in today’s world we focus more on our phones and other devices than those around us. It seems as if in person interaction is slowly disappearing. I thought that I would see people  paying less attention to the person they were with and more attention to their phones. However, there was one couple who barely touched their phones as they were engaging in casual conversation. This couple looked each other in the eyes when the other was speaking. They nodded at each other from time to time to show that they understood the other, and that their attention was soul focused on them. I also noticed the couple subtlety holding hands as they talked. This action solidified that the couple was actively listening and engaging with one another. Watching this couple interact gave hope to the idea that media and technology haven’t completely taken interpersonal interaction away. It was apparent that this couple had been together for years and had developed this level of listening over time, but what about people of a younger generation? The possibility of young adults or even teenagers interacting with each other without technological distractions seemed few and far between. I then saw something that I thought I would never see today. Sitting across from me were to young men no older than twenty having a conversation with no phones in sight. They were casually sitting and talking to each other as if phones and media didn’t exist. Although they were not using phones and looking at each other when the other spoke, one of the young men was constantly tapping his feet while they talked. I don’t know weather he was nervous or excited about something, but there was something else on his mind while this conversation was going on. In the coffee shop that day I learned that there still is such a thing as interpersonal interaction and that it can even be seen in young adults as well as those with more life experience when it comes to  active listening.

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