A few times throughout the year I have visited the math help center, MSLC. I went a couple times in the first 2 weeks in order to get help with reviewing some of the algebra concepts for calc 1 since its been a couple months since I have done any math. Also visited MSLC before my first midterm in order to review some topics I was unfamiliar with. It wasn’t too hard going to find help for math, the professor and TA both mentioned it plenty of times and multiple emails were sent out about it. I feel that some people have a stigma about getting help and are afraid that just because they need help people may judge them but I don’t find this being the case. A lot of the time it just shows you are willing to put yourself out there in order to learn something that you might not know that well. I asked for help in other subjects before in high school like french as well as getting tutored in order to do better on the SAT and the ACT. This is the only resource I have used in College but this is because Calc 1 is the only class I am really struggling with right now. Help seeking is a very valuable tool in order to do well in life. Asking for help is an important way to gain knowledge from people have more experience and more knowledge in the field. I fell that students that seek help will do better in school because they are getting the information straight from the source and therefore can be more accurate with their answers. I went to MSLC in order to get help on questions about reviewing algebra. When I first showed up it wasn’t too crowded and there were plenty of tutors already there. Getting help was fairly easy all I had to do was put up a sign and a tutor would come to the table and ask what you needed help with. I did the majority of the homework before I went so I didn’t spend too long there since I only had at most 5 questions. The tutor was extremely helpful and knew exactly what she was doing. She made sure to not just do the work for me but to tell me where to start and from there I pretty much got it down. The worst one was where I didn’t know how to do a problem at all but all I had to do was look at the previous graph to know where to start. I don’t know if I would be able to tutor in college. In high school I got an award for tutoring in my PreCalc class but I feel that I don’t have enough knowledge in any subject in college to be qualified to tutor. I thought about tutoring younger kids but the problem with that is that I don’t have much experience with working with kids that are younger than me. I will probably have to go to tutoring for French in the future since I have not taken it since Sophomore year and still need to take one more semester to fulfill my degree.

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