One thought on “Blog Post #6 – Collage Part 2

  1. Hi Mia, I think this drawing turned out really nicely! I actually think it would be a really beautiful book jacket for a novel. I don’t know if you are interested in creative writing, but I almost wonder if the next step of this project for you is to write a short story inspired by this collage. You could then publish it as a DIY zine, with this as the cover! Or maybe you have a friend who is a writer who would be interested in collaborating with you to make this… All of this is further say how the point of this exercise was to demonstrate how collage can lead you to unexpected places! It can be a way for you to make a drawing that might not have been able to occur through observation or pure imagination. For example, I am not sure the drawing of your “dream” would have turned out the same if you hadn’t made the collage first! And if you were to make a translation of this drawing again, it might then lead to an entirely new drawing with different edits and discoveries through that process! Great work — let me know if you end up writing that story (when you have time over the summer)

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