A student is making reasonable progress in the program if he or she receives a B- or better in all required courses, the student’s overall GPA is 3.0 or above, and the student successfully completes the relevant required program level examinations in the respective program at the time these examinations occur. A student who fails a program level examination is considered to be making insufficient progress in the program and will be issued an academic progression warning letter from the Graduate School stipulating that the examination must be retaken and passed in order to reestablish satisfactory progression in the program.
Program level examinations may be retaken one time only. Students may not progress to any subsequent required MHI courses or undertake other subsequent program requirements for which the program level examination is a pre-requisite, until the program level examination has been successfully completed.
Many of the required courses in the College of Nursing are only offered once per year. Enrollment in courses is on a space-available basis. If it becomes necessary for a student to repeat a course, this may require waiting a full year before the course can be repeated.