Friday Events

2016 State Conference Friday Sessions



Summit County Master Gardeners have added two afternoon programs to the Friday conference offerings.  In addition to three all-day bus tours, convention attendees and a guest may opt to attend an afternoon photography workshop or a lecture and walk detailing the history of the Cuyahoga River.  Also new – the MGV awards presentations have been moved to Saturday’s lunch period so that convention attendees may have an opportunity to attend a Friday evening reception and dinner program highlighting our celebrated keynote speakers.  The reception and dinner are included in one ticket price, and Master Gardeners may register one guest for any of the Friday programs

1:00-3:00 pm – Danae Wolfe: A Closer Look: Garden and Insect Photography

Dive into the world of macro garden photography in this two-hour workshop that will cover the basics of photography as well as equipment and techniques for taking close-up photos of insects and flowers. We’ll spend the first hour covering the exposure triangle and camera settings before heading outdoors to practice what we’ve learned. Come prepared with your camera and lenses (tripods optional).

1:00-3:00 pm– Elaine Marsh: The Evolution of the Cuyahoga River

There is no place more emblematic of the Cuyahoga River than the Sheraton Suites in Cuyahoga Falls.  Here the River falls more than 200 feet in less than 2 miles, geology that rivals Niagara Falls.  The natural and cultural history of the River is intertwined with the history of Cuyahoga Falls.  The River’s story here is the story of man’s relationship to the environment.  Once the site of the most visited natural attraction in Ohio, the gorges of the Cuyahoga became magnets for industrial use.  Although the land and water became spoiled and the attractions were deserted, the spectacle of rock and River were held in keeping by Summit Metro Parks.  Enter the Clean Water Act and new chapters are being written.  Now, wheels are in motion to remove a 60 foot high dam and reestablish the grandeur of gorges.   After a brief theater talk, we will walk out the doors of the hotel and enter the Cuyahoga’s time machine.

5:00-6:30 pm – Authors’ reception and book signing with Dr. Michael Dirr, Dr. Doug Tallamy, Stacey Hirvela, and Pam Bennett (cash bar)

Start your Friday evening with this meet-and-greet authors’ reception. Dr. Dirr, most famously known for his book Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, now in its sixth edition, has authored seven books and is widely considered the premier authority on growing and propagating woody plants.  His latest books include Hydrangeas for American Gardens (co-authored with Bonnie L. Dirr) and Viburnums: Flowering Shrubs for Every Season.  Dr. Tallamy is at the forefront of the movement to create a wildlife-friendly and sustainable ecosystem – back yard by back yard.  His books include Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants, which won the Silver Medal from the Garden Writers Association, and The Living Landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden (co-authored with Rick Darke). Garden designer, call-in radio host, and Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrub consultant Stacey Hirvela’s mission is to encourage and educate home gardeners.  Her first book is entitled Edible Spots & Pots.  OSU Educator Pam Bennett lectures and writes on a variety of horticultural subjects, specializes in herbaceous ornamental plant trials, and provides leadership to the OSU Master Gardener program on a state level.  Her first book is entitled Garden-pedia, An A-to- Z Guide to Gardening Terms (co-authored with Maria Zampini).


6:30-8:30 pm – Dinner Presentation In Praise of Noble Trees by Dr. Michael Dirr.

Cap off your Friday travels or educational adventures with an inspiring dinner presentation by Dr. Michael Dirr. Dr. Dirr’s presentation, entitled In Praise of Noble Trees, will illustrate the important traits he believes determine a “Noble Tree”, and take us on a journey to see these trees in all their splendor. He will also share recent introductions of improved landscape trees for urban and suburban sites. Enjoy your choice of three dinner entrees and this special presentation in the Riverfront Ballroom at the Cuyahoga Falls Sheraton Suites (2016 OSU MG Conference venue).


Take advantage of this unique opportunity to meet these distinguished speakers, to learn from an internationally acclaimed horticulturalist, and to share a special dinner with fellow OSU Master Gardeners. The 5:00-6:30 pm authors’ reception and book signing and Dr. Michael Dirr’s dinner presentation are included in one ticket price on the registration site.