2011 Highlights: Life in the greenhouse

Each winter we head into the greenhouse to plant the seeds we’ve collected and stratified in the refrigerator.  Without fail as the plants begin to sprout the energy and excitement grows as well.  Every day it seems we’re giddy while discussing the progress of a particular plant or pointing out a new sprout.  This year was a particularly successful year in the greenhouse, thanks in part to the newly installed watering system.  Enjoy these photos of the seeds sprouting and turning the greenhouse into a lush indoor prairie!  I only wish I could invite you all into the greenhouse to experience it in person!


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Native Plant Sale- Saturday May 7th

For all of you wondering what we’re planning with our greenhouse full of magnificent native plants- you’re in luck!!  We’ll be holding our annual Native Plant Sale on Saturday May 7th from 10 am until 1 pm.  The sale will take place on the Ohio State Marion campus on the first floor of Morrill Hall. 

If you’d like to see descriptions of the plants we’ll be featuring at the sale click here: Plant Sale 2011

We’re open for business!

The construction that had been blocking the entrance to the Prairie has been completed.  If you’re planning a visit, you’ll be pleased to find easy access to the Prairie driveway and parking lot has been restored.  Come on out and enjoy the late summer colors of the Prairie Nature Center!

How do you measure up?

 A 10 foot tall section of white PVC has been installed near the entrance to the prairie.  The PVC has foot and ½ foot markings so you can see just how tall the plants are growing.  I know it can be hard to estimate how tall the plants are so I think this extra large measuring stick will be helpful.


PVC stick

Another nice group of flowers started blooming. Enjoy some pictures!

What a nice time to visit.  There are so many different flowers in bloom right now.  Although the grasses haven’t reached their peak yet, the flowers really are putting on a show!