The Ohio State University: Mansfield Campus

Interior Perspective with line and viewfinder


This project was about interior perspective!! So for this assignment I decided that I wanted to do a room in the fire department.  I think the hardest thing for me was the table legs, this is because there are two different styles of tables in the meeting room (the room I choose to draw.)  I actually really enjoy doing perspective drawings because there is just something so satisfying about them.  I know the back looks quite light in the photo… the previous big room perspective drawings like this that I’ve done were actually done all in pen so I was so use to keeping a light pressure on the pen.  In person however those lines are very visible, the camera just has a little bit of a hard time picking it up.


Here were three thumbnail sketches I did.  I knew that I wanted to do one point perspective in the room so I was trying to decided if I wanted the room to be shifted to the left or right at all (as though the viewer is standing closer to one side wall or the other.)


Sorry for he low quality and shadowed progress shots, I didn’t want to move my board too much from where I had it sitting so I knew my perspective would stay roughly the same.  I know that my camera was also having a hard time picking up where the graphite was because I drew lighter than normal, and I wasn’t in the best of lighting conditions.