The Ohio State University: Mansfield Campus

Reflection Response to Module 3 (Exterior perspective buildings in landscapes)

I was asked to answer a few questions which were;

Homework 8: Response/reflectionWrite a 100-word response to the work you have done. Does the work fulfill the criteria of the assignment in terms of using perspective? Is there a sense of depth? How does the composition activate the page? What are the strengths of this work? What could be improved upon.”


and this was my submission to this homework assignment:

Yes, I believe that my work does fulfill the criteria of the assignment in terms of using perspective. My piece uses two-point perspective to show a section of main street in Bellville, Ohio. There is a sense of depth using both shading and lines to convey space and depth relative to the street and the building to each other. The composition travels diagonally across the page which the building gets bigger and close towards the right, but yet should be balanced though the space between the lines used to create the bigger planes of the buildings. I think that the strengths of the work are the strong straight lines that create the buildings and the windows. I think that for my piece, if I had included more values to create the sense of depth, and or straighten the window on the side of the second building from the left. However, this piece did not turn out being what I wanted, the paper I bought could not hold the proper amount of water to distribute the watercolor over the surfaces to create smooth and concise shaded and shadowed areas.