Expert Teaches on Multiple Myeloma on CME Webcast

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Expert Teaches on Multiple Myeloma on CME Webcast.  Today’s program is on Multiple Myeloma, but before we can dive deeper into understanding this condition, it’s crucial to distinguish between multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance or MGUS. Our expert guest today is Dr Srinivas Devarakonda. He is an Associate Professor of Hematology at Ohio State University’s James Cancer Hospital and specializes in plasma cell dyscrasias including multiple myeloma and MGUS.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • To explain the clinical scenarios in which to suspect multiple myeloma
  • Explain the diagnostic methods for multiple myeloma
  • To discuss the latest diagnostic criteria and staging system for multiple myeloma
  • Talk briefly about the management of myeloma

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Symptoms
  • Protein Albumin Gap
  • MGUS
  • Prognosis

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the  OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual.  You can also e-mail him at

Online Webcast Teaches on Advance Care Planning

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Online Webcast Teaches on Advance Care Planning. To guide us through Advance Care Planning and how we can incorporate it into our own practices is one of Ohio State University’s distinguished palliative care experts. Dr Kavitha Norton is a Professor of Palliative Medicine and is the Director of Communication Education and Training for the Division of Palliative Medicine at Ohio State.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish Advance Directives (products) form Advance Care Planning (process)
  • Practical Tips to make ACP and AD productive outcomes.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Who should plan?
  • Strategy of Discussions
  • Advance Directives

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the  OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual.  You can also e-mail him at

Expert Teaches on Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention

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Expert Teaches on Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention.  Until a few years ago, the only way to prevent sexually transmitted infections was through abstinence or condoms. But now, not only do we have Pre-exposure prophylaxis for prevention of HIV/AIDS but just this past summer, the CDC issued clinical guidance for using Doxycycline for Post-exposure prophylaxis for bacterial sexually transmitted infections.

Just in time too, because in the past few years, the rates of syphilis in the United States has been steadily increasing. Unlike in the 15th century, Syphilis is treatable now and very rarely fatal but it can go undetected and be transmitted vertically from mother to child. Sadly, rates of congenital syphilis has tripled in recent years.

To share how we can effectively prevent sexually transmitted infections using the modern tools in our toolbelt, We’ve invited one of Ohio State University’s experts. Dr. Francisco Magana is fellowship trained in Infectious Diseases and practices both Infectious Diseases and Primary care with particular interest in health equity for LGBTQ+ and LatinX communities.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • Become comfortable talking about sexually transmitted infections
  • Become familiar with sexually transmitted bacterial infection prevention medication via medications

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Doxycycline
  • Pre- vs Post- exposure
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • DoxyPEP + PrEP

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual.  You can also e-mail him at

Online Webcast Teaches on Sexual Dysfunction in Women

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Online Webcast Teaches on Sexual Dysfunction in Women.  Historically, women were often blamed for men’s sexual dysfunction or infertility while their own sexuality was ignored. But the narrative has changed. The term “Female Sexual Dysfunction” is described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DSM-5 and covers 3 separate disorders: female sexual interest/arousal disorder, female orgasmic disorder, and genitopelvic pain/penetration disorder.

Today’s webcast is a continuation of a 3-part miniseries on sexual health. For this program, Dr. Brett Worly is here to teach us about Sexual Dysfunction in Women. Brett is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and is the founder and leader of the Women’s Sexual Health Clinic at the Center for Women’s Health at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • Be familiar with normal sexual behavior, gender, and sexual orientation.
  • Gain proficiency in the categories of sexual dysfunction and treatment options.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Sexual Health History
  • Topical Therapy
  • Sex Therapy
  • Referral

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual.  You can also e-mail him at

CME Webcast Teaches on Men’s Sexual Health

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CME Webcast Teaches on Men’s Sexual Health. Men’s sexual health isn’t just about erectile function, but also overall sexual function including various aspects like libido, ejaculation, and reproduction. Today’s presentation will kick off our new MedNet21 season and starts a 3-part mini-series on sexual health. For today’s talk on Men’s sexual health focusing on erectile dysfunction, We’ve invited one of Ohio State University’s Urological experts Dr Nicholas Tadros. Nick is an Associate Professor of Urology and is fellowship trained in Andrology and Male Infertility.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • Know the causes of ED
  • Know treatment options and their risks and benefits

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Andrology
  • Causes of ED
  • Treatments

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual.  You can also e-mail him at