Online Webcast Provides COPD Updates

OSU Wexner Medical Center logo Online Webcast Provides COPD Updates. So what have we learned as a medical community in the past few years about COPD and what new treatments are available to our patients? For today’s webcast , We’ve invited two Ohio State University Pulmonary Critical Care experts to share their knowledge on the topic. We’re pleased to introduce Assistant Professors of Internal Medicine Drs. Gennie Wang and Kelsey Black.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • To understand new definitions & phenotypes of COPD, and risk factors for disease other than cigarette smoking.
  • To understand how to evaluate for COPD & initiate clinical assessment for severity and burden of disease
  • Discuss changes to initial pharmacologic management with regards to new Gold Staging based on the 2024 update.
  • Discuss the emphasis on “treatable traits” with regards to COPD management.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • COPD Exacerbations
  • COPD in Women
  • Vaping
  • Inhalers
  • Indoor Air Pollutants

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at

CME Webcast Provides Latest Update on Moderate and Deep Sedation

OSU Wexner Medical Center logo CME Webcast Provides Latest Update on Moderate and Deep Sedation. With the vast number of procedures performed each day, it is not always possible or necessary to have an anesthesiologist available to oversee sedation. Proceduralists can and do provide their own sedation while performing the procedure. On this webcast, we will review the very important topic of Moderate and Deep sedation. Here at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, a variety of specialists such as gastroenterologists, cardiologists, pulmonologists and more may view today’s program and complete the post-test to help obtain and maintain their hospital sedation privileges.

We’ve invited two guests on the program today. First, we have Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and director of Ambulatory Perioperative Services, Dr. Jarrett Heard. We also have Kristin Brower, Doctor of pharmacy and specialty practice pharmacist at Ohio State specializing in perioperative services where she works alongside both Anesthesiologists and Surgeons to care for patients.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • Review indications for procedural sedation
  • Define procedural sedation, safety and billing
  • Learn about sedatives and reversal agents

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Types of Procedures
  • Sedation Risks
  • Analgesia
  • Combination of Pharmacotherapy
  • Routes of Administration
  • Rescue from deeper sedation

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at

Online Webcast Provides a Hypertension Update

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Online Webcast Provides a Hypertension Update. For this CME webcast, we’re going to discuss the most recent guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association in regard to hypertension. We’re pleased to welcome Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine at The Ohio State University, Dr. Aaron Friedberg.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: appropriately define and diagnose hypertension in adults; and appropriately manage hypertension in adults in the outpatient setting.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Making the Diagnosis of Hypertension
  • Modifiable Risk Factors
  • Increasing dose or advancing to a second drug
  • Hypertensive Urgency

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at

CME Webcast Provides An Update on COPD

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 CME Webcast Provides An Update on COPD. This webcast will give you opportunity learn a great deal about COPD from an our expert that manages it on a regular basis.


What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: Diagnose and classify COPD; Prescribe step-wise treatment for management of stable COPD; Identify patients who would benefit by home oxygen; Manage COPD exacerbations; and Develop strategies to reduce re-admissions for COPD.

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.
Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at

On-line Education Provides Understanding of Suboxone Treatment

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 On-line Education Provides Understanding of Suboxone Treatment. On this CME webcast, we are going to examine how buprenorphine and Suboxone fit into the management of the opioid-addicted patient in the hospital. To tell us how this works in the emergency department is Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Dr. Emily Kauffman. And to tell us about medication assisted treatment for inpatients is hospitalist and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, Dr. Margaret Williams.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: EXPLAIN why Medications-Assisted Treatment (MAT), specifically buprenorphine (suboxone) is effective for treatment of Opioid Use Disorder; DESCRIBE the importance of addressing opioid use disorder in all patient encounters, beginning with the Emergency Department.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • The role of the emergency department in treating opioid addiction
  • The role of medication assisted therapy in hospitalized patients
  • Project DAWN
  • Management of opioid-dependent patients who are NPO
  • DEA-X waivers

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at