Experts Teach on Common Office Procedures. Some of the most commonly performed in-office procedures involve the skin and the joints. Our skin is the largest organ in the body, so it’s no surprise that dermatologic complaints are also one of the most common reasons for a doctor’s visit. Many skin lesions such as warts or skin tags may be easily treated in the office. Some skin lesions, that are not readily diagnosed by physical exam, may benefit from biopsy. Procedures such as cryosurgery and skin biopsy are simple, common and extremely useful tools in the primary care arsenal to diagnose and treat skin conditions. On this webcast, we will review these two dermatologic procedures Cryosurgery and Skin biopsy so you, our viewers can perform these in your practice.
To share their expertise, We’ve invited two Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s primary care experts. Dr. Bethany Panchal is an Associate Professor of Family medicine who is very experienced at teaching physicians since she serves as the program director for Ohio State’s Family Medicine Residency Program. She’ll be covering Cryosurgery. Dr. Mary Meier is an Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and will cover skin biopsies. Beth & Mary, welcome to MedNet.
While we won’t be able to cover every office-based procedures that a primary care physician may perform, another important and common procedure is the joint injection. Joint injections historically were used not only to treat joint pain but also to diagnose joint effusions. On this program, We’re also delighted to invite back to the program Dr. Larry Nolan who is a primary care sports medicine physician at Ohio State and specializes in non-surgical approaches to musculoskeletal complaints.
What you’ll learn in this webcast
As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:
- Learn the indications for which cryosurgery can be applied.
- Demonstrate techniques for using cryosurgery on different skin conditions.
- Understand when to perform a punch biopsy based on the indications and contraindications to the procedure.
- Understand when to perform a shave biopsy based on the indications and contraindications to the procedure.
- Understand the different skin procedures performed in the office for diagnostic and therapeutic reasons and their indications
- Understand the common injection techniques performed in the outpatient setting.
You’ll also learn about the following:
- Timing
- Indications
- Anesthetic
You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.
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