Learn About An Approach to Muscle Weakness in Primary Care

OSU Wexner Medical Center logo Learn About An Approach to Muscle Weakness in Primary Care. Today, fortunately, we don’t see much polio. The inactivated poliovirus vaccine was approved for use in the United States in 1955, and the oral polio vaccine was approved in 1957. With mass vacations, wild cases of polio dropped to a mere 30 confirmed cases in 2022. But there are plenty of other causes of weakness. The differential can be quite diverse.

So for today’s topic on the Approach to Muscle Weakness in primary care, we’ve invited two of Ohio State University’s Neuromuscular experts. First, Dr Matthew Burford is an Assistant Professor of Neurology specializing in Neuromuscular Medicine. And, Dr Michael Isfort is also an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Ohio State who is fellowship trained in both clinical neurophysiology and neuromuscular medicine.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate true weakness from fatigue and asthenia\
  • Recognize patterns of localization to guide diagnostic testing
  • Localize weakness and associated symptoms to different components of the peripheral nervous system/motor unit.
  • Review common and uncommon neurological conditions affecting the peripheral nervous system and formulate an approach to diagnosis and treatment.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Urgency
  • Strength Grading

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.

Learn About Suicide Risk Assessment and Response in Primary Care

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Learn About Suicide Risk Assessment and Response in Primary Care on webcast. Nearly every primary care physician has had a patient die from suicide. But there is something that all of us can do about it. We can better identify our patients at risk for suicide and we can more effectively talk with our patients about suicide. On this CME webcast, we’re going to be discussing suicide risk assessment and response in primary care. We’d like to welcome our guests. Clinical psychologist and Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Craig Bryan. And also clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Justin Baker.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: describe how items from the Suicide Cognitions Scale-Revised can improve the accuracy of suicide risk screening and assessment; and identify the components of crisis response planning for suicide prevention.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • ‘Red flags’ for emergency care
  • When to refer outpatients
  • What to look for when referring a patient to a mental health professional
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.

Webcast Teaches on Common Laryngeal Disorders in Primary Care

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Webcast Teaches on Common Laryngeal Disorders in Primary Care. On this CME webcast, to tell us about common laryngeal disorders in primary care are laryngeal specialists from the Ohio State University. Dr. Laura Matrka is an Associate Professor of Otolaryngology and Dr. Brandon Kim is an Assistant Professor, also from the Department of Otolaryngology.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: UNDERSTAND red flags necessitating earlier referral for voice disorders; and EXPLAIN current controversy and decision-making regarding PPI use.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Common laryngeal disorders in primary care medicine
  • Common tests performed in the laryngeal disease clinic
  • Laryngitis
  • Laryngitis mimics
  • Diagnosing paradoxical vocal cord dysfunction
  • Vocal cord nodules
  • Risk factors for laryngeal cancer
  • Vocal cord hemorrhage

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.

Learn About Common Allergic Diseases in Primary Care

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Learn About Common Allergic Diseases in Primary Care. For Daniel Bovet’s discovery of antihistamines he was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize in Medicine. In the 60 years since then, there have been remarkable discoveries about allergies and how to treat them. On this CME webcast, we’re going to update you on some of the most recent developments. Joining our moderator is allergist and Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University, Dr. Casey Curtis.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: OUTLINE common allergic conditions that may present diagnostic or therapeutic uncertainty; and REVIEW criteria for referral to an allergist for these conditions.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Common allergic conditions in primary care medicine
  • When to refer the patient to an allergist
  • Penicillin allergy testing
  • Whether penicillin-allergic patients also allergic to cephalosporins

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.