Learn About Physician Burnout on CME Webcast

OSU Wexner Medical Center logo Learn About Physician Burnout on CME Webcast. In medicine the International Classification of Diseases defines burnout as “…a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.


It is characterized by three dimensions:

  1. feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
  2. increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job;
  3. reduced professional efficacy.

But what is driving all this burnout and what can we do about it? To help us answer these questions, I have invited a nationwide leader in physician wellness. Dr Laxmi Mehta is a Professor of Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular disease and serves as Vice Chair for Wellness for the Department of Internal Medicine and the director of the Gabbe Health and Well-Being program at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She is also a recognized leader of Preventative Cardiology and Women’s Cardiovascular Health.

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:

  • To define burnout and identify the repercussions of physician burnout.
  • To identify key contributors to burnout among physicians.
  • To review potential well-being solutions on a professional and personal level.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Burnout Rates
  • Risk Factors
  • Reversing Burnout
  • Examples of Success
  • Organizational Buy-In

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.

Learn About Refractory Depression on CME Webcast

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Learn About Refractory Depression on CME Webcast. We now have additional treatments for resistant depression that are expanding the therapeutic options for these patients. And we’re going to hear about these treatments in today’s webcast. Let us welcome our guests. Dr. Subhdeep Virk is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Ohio State University. And Dr. Kevin Reeves is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry here at OSU.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: define and screen depression and Treatment Resistant Depression; discuss therapeutic options for treating Refractory Depression; become aware of resources to evaluate treatment history; and compare and contrast transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy, intranasal esketamine and electroconvulsive therapy.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Epidemiology of treatment resistant depression
  • Electroconvulsive therapy today
  • When to refer patients to a psychiatrist?
  • When to admit patients

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.

Experts Discuss Domestic Violence on CME Webcast

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Experts Discuss Domestic Violence on CME Webcast. The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 sponsored by then-senator Joe Biden allowed women to seek civil rights remedies for gender-related crimes.  Clearly, over the last 3,000 years, human society has come a long way toward reducing domestic violence but as we are going to hear today, we equally clearly still have a long way yet to go. Our guests today to update us about domestic violence are Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Dr. Creagh Boulger and social worker from the Department of Psychiatry, Arianna Galligher.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: gain insight into common barriers that prevent survivors from leaving an abusive environment; and understand the role of the provider in supporting a patient in this circumstance.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • The spectrum of domestic violence
  • The role of the physician in dealing with domestic violence
  • Recognizing domestic violence in people of other cultures
  • Relationship between mental illness and domestic violence
  • Recognizing domestic violence in a pediatric practice
  • Intervention options in the emergency department
  • The economy, COVID, and domestic violence
  • Computer safety and domestic violence
  • Recognizing domestic violence among co-workers and neighbors
  • Domestic violence and pets

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.

Learn About Cardiac Non-Invasive Testing On Webcast

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Learn About Cardiac Non-Invasive Testing On Webcast. Today on MedNet21, we are going to update you on the currently used tests to non-invasively identify patients with ischemic heart disease. To tell us about stress test options, we’re pleased to welcome cardiologist and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Dr. Bryan Lee. And then to tell us about the role of cardiac CT and MRI, we have cardiologist and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, Dr. Salman Bhatti.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: describe how to assess the pre-test likelihood of coronary artery disease by history; and understand the advantages and pitfalls between the different modalities; recognize when it is appropriate to order a stress test; and understand how different stress modalities compare with each other, their advantages and disadvantages and when to use one over the other.

You’ll also learn about the following:

  • Cardiac stress test selection
  • Cardiac CT & MRI
  • Common indications for cardiac MRI
  • Training required to read cardiac CT & MRI

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.

Get An Update on Antibiotics on CME Webcast

OSUWexnerbloglogo2014 Get An Update on Antibiotics on CME Webcast. Today on OSU MedNet, we are going to update you on some of these new antibiotics. Let me welcome today’s guest, Dr. Sydney Agnello. She is an infectious disease expert and Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine from the Ohio State University.

View a video introduction of this webcast

What you’ll learn in this webcast

As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to: enhance knowledge of clinical use of well-known antibiotics; and enhance understanding of newer antibiotics available and when they may be used clinically.

You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.

Call our MedNet21 Program Manager at 614.293.3473 for more details about subscribing to MedNet21 as a hospital or as an individual. You can also e-mail him at derrick.freeman@osumc.edu.