
Draft Schedule

Medical Humanities: From the Campus to Communities

April 13-14, 2018 at the Wexner Center for the Arts

Thursday April 12  Pre-conference event: Warren Lecture at James Hospital Conference Center


Tod Chambers (Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine), “The Humanities as Medical Equipment”

Friday, April 13 at the Wexner Center Film/Video Theater

8:30 to 9:00 Welcome

Julia Nelson Hawkins (Department of Classics, Ohio State University)

Dan Clinchot (Vice Dean for medical education in the College of Medicine and professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center) and Peter Hahn (Professor of History and Divisional Dean, Arts & Humanities Faculty)

9:00—10:30 Critical Space I: Bedside

Kathryn Kirkland (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth), curator

Ryan Nash (Ohio State University College of Medicine), “Facts, Fictions, and Finitude: On Caring for Patients”

Elizabeth Starr (Department of English, Westfield State University), “Navigating Illness and Uncertainty: The Companion Bedside”

Lauren Kascak (Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth), “More to the Story: Using Representations of Self to Expand Patient Narratives”


10:45—12:00 Plenary 1

Tod Chambers (Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University), “Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Medical Humanities”

12:00-1:15 Lunch

1:15—2:45  Critical Space II: Community

Susan Lawrence (Department of History, Ohio State University), curator

Dawn Opel (Sparrow Health System/Michigan State University Center for Innovation and Research), “Research for Impact: Bridging the Academy, Community, and the Clinic for Healthcare Quality Improvement”

Linda Mizejewski (Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ohio State University), “Service Learning: Feminism, Addiction and Recovery”

Mytheli Sreenivas (Department of History and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ohio State University), “Service Learning: Reproductive Rights and Justice”


3:00—4:30   Critical Space III: Classroom

John Vaughn (Duke University, School of Medicine), curator

Lauren Todd (Ohio State University): “From Ethos to Practice: Why Medical Humanities Resurrects the Student”

Jared Gardner (Department of English, Ohio State University): “Beyond Empathy: Graphic Medicine in the Classroom”

Elinor Brown (Ohio State University/ Wexner Medical Center): “Breaking the Training Mold: Reclaiming Medicine as a Humanities Discipline”

4:45-5:45 Wexner Gallery Tour

Brooke Holmes (Department of Classics, Princeton University) & Richard Fletcher (Department of Classics, Ohio State University), “Is the Classical Body Obsolete?”

5:45—7:30 Reception at Faculty Club

7:00 12 Days (12 jours, Raymond Depardon, 2017):

$6 for conference attendees


Saturday, April 14 at Wexner Center for the Arts, Film/Video Theater

9:00—10:15: Plenary 2

Brooke Holmes (Department of Classics, Princeton University), “Looking Back, Looking Forward: What is the Time of Bioethics?”


10:30—11:30  Conference so far

James Phelan (Department of English, Ohio State University)

11:30—12:45 Lunch

12:45—2:15 Critical Space IV:  Page

James Phelan (Department of English, Ohio State University), curator

Margaret Price (Department of English, Ohio State University), “Thin Margins and Ambient Disclosures: Interviews with Disabled Faculty”

Kaitlyn Kelly (Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University) & Ellen Lubbers (Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University), “Medical Students Read Literature”

James Phelan (Department of English, Ohio State University), “Reading through the Lens of Fictionality”


2:30-4:00 Critical Space V:  Screen

Dana Renga (Department of French & Italian, Ohio State University) & David Horn (Department of Comparative Studies, Ohio State University), curators

John Foot (Modern Italian History, University of Bristol) “Liberating the Asylum: Images of Emancipation in an ‘Overturned Institution’ in Italy from the 1960s”

Christa Teston (Department of English, Ohio State University), “Foreshadowing Fit: Wheelchairs, Screens, and Care-Taking Conversations”

Rhiannon Noel Welch (Italian Department, Rutgers University), “Mobility and the Biopolitical Image”

Jenny Terry (Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of California at Irvine), “Biomedical Salvation Narratives and War Profiteering”

4:15—5:00 Roundtable: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Susan Lawrence (Department of History, Ohio State University)