Our Program

Students standing next to each other with their arms linked together

Master of Dietetics & Nutrition (MDN)

The Ohio State University’s Medical Dietetics and Human Nutrition programs have collaborated to create the Master of Dietetics and Nutrition (MDN) program.  Our graduate program is a two-year coordinated program to meet entry level requirements to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN).


Future Graduate Program

Our MDN program is a Future Graduate Program.  It is is under the accrediting body of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and different from other education models as the focus is on competency- based education and competency assessment.  Many other areas in the medical field already focus on competency based education.  This type of education focuses on the principle that competence is achieved over time and is multi- faceted.   In the simplest terms, the student must know, show, and be able to do or perform in practice.



Students must meet many competencies throughout the Future Graduate Program.  Competencies are met in a variety of ways including in the classroom, through simulations, and during supervised experiential learning rotations.  For preceptors, here is the list of the competencies by rotation that students meet during supervised experiential learning.