Please join us for a hybrid panel discussion on evidence based practice in dietetics. This event started out as a robust event for students in Dr. Colleen Spees’ evidence based class, and we decided to expand it and open it up to our preceptors. It will be in hybrid format for easy access. Here is the Zoom link (
Panelists include Ainsley Malone, Karen Bakies, Dena Champion, Amy Alwood, and Beth Grainger (in place of Dr. Steve Clinton). Colleen Spees will be moderating. The panelists bios are here:EBP Panelists bios
This panel discussion will be Monday, December 4, 2023 from 12:30 – 2:00 pm. 1.5 CPEU credits will be available on this website under CPEUs.
The objective of our presentation is to educate and strengthen participants’ knowledge of the importance of evidence-based practice (EBP) in dietetics and healthcare overall.
Will this be recorded so that we can view later?
Hi Heather, yes- we will record it and post it or send it out. Just to note, we only have CPEU approved for the live event.