Based on the feedback our team received, we made updates to our Top 5 concepts and came up with five new product ideas for disabled users. Below you can find our concepts’ evaluation that measures the originality, quality, practicality/viability, user appeal, and ability to prototype.
Notable Constructive Feedback from Group 6:
“- Concepts seem to be reapplying existing products to a new use rather than performing product development for a new product for this use (command strips, fanny pack, and exoskeleton). Currently using affordances of existing products
– The existing product concepts might evolve to be inspired by existing products rather than just using the product
– “The most interesting/innovative concept was the handheld cleaning mouse because it combined pieces of multiple existing products to create an entirely new and useful product”
Group Discussion:
- Looked through feedback – determine what we need to change in our work so far
- Specifying that our problem area will be” Kitchen cleaning tasks with only one hand”
- Interpretation of the feedback that our products were “the same” means that some ideas need to be explained deeper. Because they aren’t.
- Brainstorming new ideas – kitchen focus
We have decided to move the following six ideas to the prototyping:
- Cleaning Mouse
- EZ Lift
- Step Ladder 2.0
- Lazy Susan
- Velcro Fashion Tape
- Detachable Table Drawer
Based on the concept evaluation we each individually voted on our top six prototypes. Four of the six ideas were from our original concepts, while two new ones were created during our brainstorming session on Monday.
During our meeting as a group, we developed a simple scorecard matrix to evaluate the feasibility of each product prototype. The notable “poor” cards were given to the fashion tape and cleaning pouch originality scores. The poor cards were also handed to the exoskeleton and refrigerator Lazy Susan for prototype feasibility. After examining our evaluation scorecard, the most feasible products to develop are: the mouse cleaner, the EZ-lift, and the velvet S-hook hanger. Our group also voted to move forward on all of these ideas.