Problem Definition – Mindmap/Problem Areas

Mind map

The team decided to highlight the challenges that were found while completing our research. Doing that we have come up with our top categories that had the most overlap from task to task.

Problem Areas:

Problem: Stabilizing Issues

User Needs: Users need a way to stabilize the object to operate the product (i.e. opening, grating, cutting)

Problem: Safety

User Needs: User needs a way to safely complete a task without risking the potential of safety (i.e. cutting a onion, heavy objects)

Problem: Flexible Containers (meaning if you hold too hard it could explode and become very messy)

User Needs: User needs a way to operate a product that is flexible without the risk of the product exploding and making a mess

Problem: Ergonomic issues

User Needs: User needs a way to complete tasks that don’t put that at ergonomic risk that would not put a person with two hands operating the task at risk

Problem: Unable to operate

User Needs: User needs a way to complete tasks that they aren’t able to do with one hand that people with two can do