ACES Pillars Film Project


For our ACES Seminar we worked in groups and gave presentations on various documentaries we watched and then related it to the 4 Pillars of ACES: Positive Social Change, Advocacy, Community, and Service. My group studied the film called Race to Nowhere. It was about the stress that present day students are under with the excessive amount of homework and expectations they are given to get into a good college and to get good grades. My group had a hard time relating the film to the pillars because it was more about just spreading awareness of the current problem. The filmmaker was a mother herself and thought about the stress that her own children were going through and wanted more parents to be aware of it too. The film called for decreasing the amount of homework that is given to students and to not shine as much emphasis on grades and instead more on learning.

Through this project I learned more about how to work with a group and how to look for and incorporate the ACES Pillars into my everyday life. My group and I shared a common goal of wanted to complete the task at hand on time but we also wanted the project to be meaningful to us and to the people we were sharing the film with. Although many of us did not enjoy the film, we understood the importance of the message it conveyed. Having to look for the pillars in the film made me think about how I can find and strive for them daily.

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