Pre-Dentistry Day 2019

Today was Pre-Dentistry Day at The Ohio State University’s College of Dentistry! This was my first hands-on experience of what the basics of the dentistry field are like. In addition to having opportunities to listen to advice from and ask questions of dentists, current dental students, and the Dean of the College of Dentistry, we also gained some valuable lab experience! Donning white lab coats we set teeth into the mould of a jaw with wax, utilized drills and other hand tools and learned how to complete a filling!

Inside the Dentistry Lab

This was a great experience for me personally. Prior to today I had no experience in a dental environment. I was not completely sure that the career I was working toward was even a good fit for me. I greatly appreciated the opportunity to hold the tools for myself and see if it felt “right” in my hand. Obviously, working with artificial teeth and a real person who is capable of feeling pain are two completely different ballparks. However, I feel the experience gave me much more confidence that pursuing the dental profession would be a worthwhile endeavor. I left the lab excited and with an increased determination to work to attain my goals.

Successfully set Central & Lateral Incisors. (And myself rocking a lab coat.)

I realized something else important today while listening to Dean Lloyd speak. I had never thought of the true positive impact a good dentist could have on a patient’s life. He informed us of some of his personal experiences that highlighted the importance that dentistry holds. The story that stuck with me most was how he focused part of his clinic on helping to repair the teeth of elderly patients, giving them back their smiles. I hadn’t considered the self-image damage that could be done by oral issues. His speech was inspiring, and I hope that I too can help people who need it in the not-too-distant future.

Working with the Drill: Decay on a molar prior to removal

Working with the Drill: Completed Decay Removal

Working with the Drill: The Filled Cavity