There are currently multiple ergonomic problems plaguing the craft brew industry. Many of them are applicable to Land-Grant Brewery! For example, Land-Grant’s current methods for expired product disposal present chances for slipping (beer is usually all over the floor), cuts and scrapes (nail board used to puncture cans as well as sharp can edges), and ultimately chronic pain from the repeated action of cutting open cans. Improving ergonomic conditions will lead to reduced risk of injury, greater long-term productivity, and reduced financial impact of on-the-job injuries.
Ergonomic Problems can be split into two main categories for breweries:
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
Slip,Trip, and Fall Hazards
- By the simple nature of being a brewery, there is always a chance for product to be present on the floor
- Trips may come from loose hoses, uneven surfaces, or periodic floor drains
- Rule of “three points of contact” with climbing surfaces is often disregarded
- Many platforms and surfaces within breweries lack proper rail protection for falls