Electronic Communication Policy

On Campus Instruction:

Students now have unprecedented opportunities for enhanced learning supported by electronic technology and devices. The College of Nursing recognizes electronic devices are part of the learning process and that the internet and smart phones applications or “apps” provide learning tools necessary to be successful. The use of electronic devices in the classroom is dependent on the content, activity, assignment and instructor permission. The electronic device should be used in a way that prevents distraction of self or others. Students who require a cell phone for emergency purposes should leave the device on mute or vibrate, and leave the classroom if attention to the device is required. Taking pictures, creating videos, and/or recording lectures within the classroom or on any College of Nursing property with any device are prohibited without the consent of the instructor. Electronic transmission of data related to patient specific identifiers and student-to-student health information obtained in physical assessment labs with student identifiers is a violation of HIPAA. Students found in violation of this policy may be referred for review for Professional Misconduct (see Professional Misconduct Policy) and/or Office of Student Life: Student Conduct Board (see Chapter 3335-23 Code of Student Conduct).

Online Instruction

Students now have unprecedented opportunities for enhanced learning supported by electronic technology and devices. The College of Nursing recognizes electronic devices are part of the learning process and that the internet and smart phones applications or “apps” provide learning tools necessary to be successful. The use of electronic devices in the classroom is dependent on the content, activity, assignment and instructor permission. The online classroom should be treated in the same manner as an on-campus classroom regarding avoiding the distraction of electronic device. Students who need to respond to personal emergencies during class should use their step away notification and contact the instructor after class. Screen capturing, recording, and/or downloading any pictures, videos, discussions, lectures, or test questions within the online classroom are prohibited without the consent of the instructor. Electronic transmission of data related to patient specific identifiers and student-to-student health information obtained in physical assessment labs with student identifiers is a violation of HIPAA. Students found in violation of this policy may be referred for review for Professional Misconduct (see Professional Misconduct Policy) and/or Office of Student Life: Student Conduct Board (see Chapter 3335-23 Code of Student Conduct).

Precepted Clinical Setting

In courses with a clinical precepted component the College of Nursing recognizes electronic devices can enhance student learning and patient care. Students who use these devices in the clinical setting should be cautious to clarify use with the preceptor and instructor, and to use devices in the patient setting only for access to clinically relevant information. Checking personal, work, or school e-mail, texting, accessing social media, gaming, internet surfing or any activity not related to the clinical experience is not permitted during student clinical hours. Students who have urgent concerns outside the clinical setting necessitating use of electronic communication while in clinical must discuss this with their instructor and/or preceptor. A joint assessment will be made by the instructor, preceptor, and (if necessary) the College of Nursing administration to determine whether the student will be able to remain in the clinical setting while requiring ongoing access to a cell phone or other means of communication during clinical. The expectation is that students will be focused on their clinical experiences, and will use devices only to augment their clinical learning. Taking pictures, creating videos, and/or recording audio within clinical settings is not permitted without express prior consent (refer to College of Nursing Media and Professional Standards policies). Contacting patients or other members of the healthcare team in the clinical environment via social media is strictly prohibited. Electronic transmission of data related to patient specific identifiers and student-to-student health information obtained in physical assessment labs with student identifiers is a violation of HIPAA. Students found in violation of this policy may be referred for review for Professional Misconduct (see Professional Misconduct Policy) and/or Office of Student Life: Student Conduct Board (see Chapter 3335-23 Code of Student Conduct).