Academic Standards

To be in good standing in the Graduate School, a student must maintain a cumulative point-hour ratio (CPHR) of 3.0 or better in all graduate credit courses and must maintain reasonable progress toward graduate program requirements. The Graduate School rules concerning probation and dismissal apply to students:

  • Whose CPHR drops below a 3.0 or
  • Are determined to not be making reasonable progress toward graduate program requirements (see Graduate School Handbook). Reasonable progress is defined below…

In addition, the College of Nursing stipulates that:

  • A grade of C+ or below in a required course in the graduate program will not contribute to credit for graduation.

Any student receiving a C+ or below, or a U, shall be reviewed for progression by the Graduate Studies Committee. A student who earns a grade of C+ or below in a required course in the MCR major, or a U in any course, will be issued a lack of progression warning, stipulating that:

  1. The student is required to repeat the course, earning a grade of B- or better, or an S in the case of a U grade.
  2. Earning a second grade of C+ or below in a required course in the MCR major and/or a U in any course, may result in dismissal from the program.
  3. All course prerequisites must be met in order to progress in the program. The student may not take a subsequent course if they received a C+ or below, or a U, in a course for which that course is listed as a prerequisite.
  • The student who earns a U in an independent study course must repeat that course with the faculty member who assigned the U grade.
  • No more than 5 credits of C+ or below in cognate courses will contribute to graduation.

The student who earns a W in a required course in the major will be reviewed for progression by the Graduate Studies Committee and may be issued a lack of progression warning, stipulating that:

  1. The student is required to repeat the course, earning a grade of B- or better, or S in the case of a pass-fail course.
  2. All course prerequisites must be met in order to progress in the program. The student may not take a subsequent course if they received a W in a course for which that course is listed as a prerequisite.
  3. Graduate students who have two or more withdrawals from required courses will be reviewed by the Graduate Studies Committee and may be dis-enrolled from the MCR program.

Note: Students who withdraw from a course after the posted course drop date earn a grade of “W” for withdrawing from the course. Students who drop courses before this deadline are not subject to progression review by the Graduate Studies Committee. Students are responsible for being aware of course drop dates that are posted in the Registrar’s website at: