
There are a variety of resources available to support you as a student at Ohio State and the College of Nursing.

Academic Calendar: Includes important dates, such as tuition payment deadlines.

Beacon: Beacon is a comprehensive student portal where currently enrolled students can view personalized curriculum plans, find out information on program compliance status. Beacon also posts updates from College of Nursing related to academic deadline, special events and leadership opportunities. Beacon can be accessed via the web browser at or via iOS devices by downloading the app at

To log into Beacon, please use your OSU username and password. Note: username format is name.#

Buckeyelink: Contains many online student services, from scheduling classes to paying tuition.

Career Services: Consider connecting with Career Services at the College of Nursing to help strategically showcase your skills and qualifications and position yourself for the job you want! Career Services at the CON offers industry specific guidance on topics such as applying to student jobs, externships, and post-graduation employment. Together we can work on your resume, cover letter, references, additional miscellaneous application documents (CV, personal statement, etc.), employment applications, elevator pitch, interview preparation (inc. virtual interviews), and career path options discussions. A variety of Career Services resources and appointment self-scheduling can be found on the career services webpage.

Counseling and Consultation Services: Shelby Woith is the College of Nursing’s embedded Mental Health Counselor. Please refer see their site for information and ways to connect.

Graduate School Website

Graduate School New Student Checklist: An additional guide to help transition to becoming a graduate student at Ohio State

Graduate School Handbook: Includes polices that govern graduate programs at Ohio State

Graduate School Orientation: A Carmen course will be added to your Carmen site by the Graduate School with a self-paced orientation course. For more information please reach out to the Graduate School.

Heminger Hall- Student Experience: View a virtual tour of our new building, Jane E. Heminger Hall and the many benefits to College of Nursing students.

Lockers: There are a limited number of lockers available for student use in the basement of Newton Hall. These lockers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve a locker, students must contact Richard Cole, Facilities Operations Analyst, to complete and sign a Locker Agreement form to be assigned a locker. This agreement can be renewed annually. Students are responsible for supplying the lock and will be required to provide the combination or a spare key for the lock to be assigned a locker. This will be kept secured with your signed agreement in the Office of Student Affairs and Success. Items kept in lockers must be non-perishable and in compliance with The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct. All items and the lock must be removed from lockers at the end of spring semester.

Mental Health First Aid Kit:  The “I Can Help You” initiative was started by students at the College of Nursing and is designed to bring awareness to mental health stigmatization, as well as provide you with the skills and resources needed to assist others.

Mental Health Services at the College of Nursing: This video, created by Mental Health Counselor Shelby Woith, provides an overview of services at the college

Parking: Find nearby parking spots, learn about parking passes, and discover alternative parking options to main campus offered by CampusParc.

Student Financial Aid: Provides assistance to students applying for financial support, including Federal Aid.

Student Health InsuranceAll students at The Ohio State University are required to have health insurance if they are enrolled at least half-time and in a degree program of study (4 credits for graduate students). If you are enrolled exclusively in Distance Learning, you must petition for student health insurance. The petition can be found here. Please note, students enrolled exclusively in Distance Learning are still required to have health insurance.

Virtual Tour of the College of Nursing:  We encourage you to explore the College of Nursing through the virtual tour.  The tour highlights many of the special features of the college and the physical space of the newly designed Heminger Hall and the recently renovated Newton Hall.