Mid-Semester Check-In

The Fawcett center project is only recently getting started this year because of some unexpected problems concerning the area. Apparently, the Fawcett Center region has been the focus of an avian research project, and removing any more large trees from that region will impact the results. From what we know now, however, we are still able to plant new trees and shrubs in the area. Because of this, we will no longer be removing large invasive species.

Instead, we will be focusing more on tagging existing trees that were planted last year or recently. Tagging trees that were recently planted is important so that we can observe how many saplings survive the winter and will hopefully make it to maturity in the future. This task will require us to communicate with the current research project in the area in order to ensure that the work that we are doing will not affect any of the work that they are doing. After connecting with them and clearing the actions that we are going to take, we will spend several days working on tagging trees and possibly planting more native species in the area. We are also considering doing some work on the surrounding area that is not included in the avian research project.

I believe that we can tag nearly all of the new trees in the hours that we spend at the Fawcett Center. In doing this we can gather a lot of useful information on the mortality rate of these saplings and what areas are better for their survival. Although this project is different from what we originally planned to do at the Fawcett Center, it is still important and still gives us the opportunity to get outside and directly affect the ecosystem in  a positive way. This, after all, is the main goal of the project.fawcett-center