
Module 7 Motivation

I think that this module really did a good job of wrapping up all of the things that we learned throughout this semester. I think that learning everything that we did the most important thing is to stay motivated in school or other areas of life. For me on a more personal level, motivation is extremely important and vital to my everyday life. Being a student athlete there are many days where you have so much to do and it is easiest to just lose hope and maybe not perform all of the things needed to do on that day. One thing from the module that I think I have used very well in school and in sports is to use progress as a motivator. The best feeling is when you make a goal for yourself and you track how you’re doing. The feeling of satisfaction that you get when you start to accomplish your goals is amazing, and I think that everyone should track their results to keep themselves motivated. Another area of this module that I thought was important was when it talked about mental health, stress, and some ways to try and relax when you’re stressed out. I think as college students we have a lot of responsibilities on our plate and sometimes we dont do a good enough job of coping with that stress, and it leads to unfortunate events of suicide or other very serious consequences.

Searching and Researching Post

I think that this module was extremely important. In college you have to learn how to write proper academic papers, and learn how to find websites that are appropriate to use when making a research paper. Being able to figure out what sources are good sources and what sources are not is something that could make or break your paper. You want to have a reliable, quality and utility proper source to conduct really good research. Learning how to conduct a proper research question is also extremely important, making up a question that requires engaged thinking and not an answer that can be responded to with a “yes” or “no”. Also growing up in high school and younger years of school sites like Wikipedia were seen as an appropriate source. Knowing now that you can use WIkipedia to help get an idea for what your going to learn, but not use it as your main source is very important. Learning about some sites that are very good for research papers will help me out a ton in the rest of my college career and also if I have to conduct research later on in life, the video on how to use google scholar was very helpful. The link for the video is below

I think that this module was extremely important for kids our age, and college students.

Web enhanced listening

This lecture I thought was very interesting and a lecture that could prove to be very useful. I think one of the most important things in college is how to take notes and how to be an active listener while you’re in class. Like it said in the slides college requires a lot more responsibility on the individual and you have to find a way to take notes that allows you to comprehend the material that you are learning and be able to regurgitate that material when its time for the tests. I think one thing that I have already started to use a little bit is the way to be an active listener and how to take better notes especially on a tablet, which is how I take my notes. I think that learning the different methods like the cornell method and the outline method will be very helpful in the future. In the future I am going to try and be more of an active listener when I am in class. I think I get so caught up in taking notes on everything that I end up not understanding the notes I took. I think If i had to explain the importance of this module to a student I would tell them that note taking is one of the most important things that you have to learn to do in college. You have to find what works best for you and be able to do it every class.

Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

This module was useful and taught me many important points on reading and study habits. The topics discussed in this module were very relatable to me since I am a student athlete. I have had to learn to manage my time in order to focus on my schoolwork and complete my assignments on time. A specific part of this module that I thought was helpful came from Watkins and Corry and their insights on multitasking. They stated, “Research has documented that heavy multitaskers, although confident in their abilities, do not perform as well as their light multitasking peers.” I have learned the hard way that multitasking does not work well, and I study best when I am focused on one subject at a time. Something I have already put into practice is using technology to help me study. I have used websites such as Quizlet to create flashcards to help test myself. It was interesting to explore more websites that are beneficial for students to use and to look at the sites that other students found. An idea I could put into practice is making better choices for myself to help my memory and studying. I find myself staying up late and not getting enough sleep. I believe if I get more sleep, I will be able to study better and have more energy to complete my schoolwork.  Advice I would give to other students is to look into evaluating their own study methods and to see if any changes could be made. I personally found that I can’t multitask and need to prioritize. I would suggest for other students to explore new websites that could help with studying and to share what they find with other students.

Module 3 Blog Post

I think that this module was very intersting and a module that I think I will put to use in the future. I think that learning how to create a daily schedule is very interesting and something that could really help me in the future. I also think that it was very interesting to learn about procrastination, I think that this is something that a lot of college students especially struggle with. I think finding ways to manage your time more efficiently is something that would help so many people our age. I have already started to plan out my weeks according to what I have, related to school, sports, leisure time. This has allowed me to be at peace of mind a little bit more and I find myself having more time in the day than I used to think I did. If I had to give advice to students, I would tell them to try and implement a daily schedule into their every day life and try to use a calendar or planner as much as possible. I think that it helps so much, and it would put a lot of students at ease to know what theyre doing with their every day life. I think that when you make a daily planner it will help you cut out things that waste time.