Avant-Garde Poetry from the People’s Republic of China:
A Bibliography of Scholarly and Critical Books in Chinese

By Maghiel van Crevel, Leiden University

MCLC Resource Center Publication (Copyright February 2007)




I am deeply grateful to the Chinese poets, scholars, critics and booksellers who helped me find the publications recorded here. They are too numerous to list, but may rest assured that progress has been made toward our shared goal of accessibility of this material to readers elsewhere.

I thank the Leiden University Faculty of Arts and Research School for Asian, African & Amerindian Studies (CNWS), the Sydney University Faculty of Arts, the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for supporting research trips to China; Zhang Xiaohong (Jeanne Hong Zhang), for helping with the input of the raw data; and the staff of the Leiden University Sinological Library, especially Hanno Lecher, for superb assistance.


The documented history of avant-garde poetry from the People’s Republic of China is roughly a hundred times shorter than that of Chinese poetry as a whole. Still, the material that has become available since the late 1970s can feel overwhelming to the individual researcher – and yet it isn’t always easy to find, especially if one is not based in China. This is one of three research bibliographies offered in conjunction with my Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Leiden: Brill, 2008), in the hope of facilitating research, teaching and translation. The other two are “Unofficial Poetry Journals from the People’s Republic of China: A Research Note and an Annotated Bibliography” (2007) and “Avant-Garde Poetry from the People’s Republic of China: A Bibliography of Scholarly and Critical Books in Chinese” (2008).


This bibliography lists books in Chinese that treat of avant-garde (先锋) poetry from the People’s Republic of China, as distinct from the orthodox or official (官方) poetry that reflects state-sanctioned views of literature and art. For aesthetic and institutional meanings of the notion of avant-garde poetry and related categories such as underground (地下) and unofficial (非官方) poetry, the reader is referred to the research note in the bibliography of unofficial journals, and to chapter One of Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money. My focus on the avant-garde has also informed the annotations accompanying each entry. The distinction of avant-garde and orthodoxy remains meaningful, even though the boundaries between them have grown fuzzy over the years.

Of the approximately 250 entries, most come under scholarship and criticism. In addition, I have listed explicit-poetical essays, memoirs and more or less expository short prose (随笔、散文) by poets, interviews and the odd collection of portrait photographs accompanied by the portrayees’ representative works (代表作), poetical statements and so on. Since the latter categories are somehow in between the “primary” (i.e. poetry) and the unambiguously “secondary” (i.e. studies of poetry by commentators other than the poets themselves), they are included in the present bibliography as well as in that of poetry collections. This duplication also applies to critical anthologies (in which poems are followed by commentaries, typically with terms such as 鉴赏 ‘[examine and] appreciate,’ 赏析 ‘appreciate [and analyze]’ and 选评 ‘select and review’ in their titles), to those among the regular multiple-author poetry collections that anthologize not just poetry but also criticism, and to the short prose volumes, many of which are advertised as “by poets.” The category of short prose is tricky in that the connections with poetry, by the authors or by fellow poets, are closer for some (e.g. Yu Jian) than for others (e.g. Wang Xiaoni). Still, potentially including a few books too many in this quarter – even if there is slightly less of it here than in the bibliography of poetry collections – is preferable to excluding those the interested reader might want to peruse.

The record below includes a number of monographs structured around the notion of avant-garde culture that treat not just of poetry but also of other genres and media in literature and art (e.g. Zhang Qinghua 1997). It does not include general, comprehensive literary histories and surveys without such focus, even if they make reference to avant-garde poetry at one point or another, such as Chen Sihe’s Textbook for Contemporary Chinese Literary History(陈思和,《中国当代文学史教程》, 上海:复旦大学, 1999), or Cao Wenxuan’s Study of Phenomena in Chinese Literature at the End of the 20th Century(曹文轩,《20世纪末中国文学现象研究》, 北京:北京大学, 2002). Nor does it include general literary-theoretical or specifically poetry-theoretical works that do not substantially draw on avant-garde texts, such as Wu Sijing’s Basic Principles of Poetry (吴思敬,《诗歌基本原理》, 北京:工人, 1987). And while it includes several books published in Taiwan and in Hong Kong – part of the PRC, but with its own, distinct literary climate and history – it is primarily a record of mainland-Chinese discourse.

Books on poetry are of course only one part of this discourse. First of all, numerous important essays appear in scholarly and literary journals. Even if many are reprinted in book-length surveys of criticism, individual commentators’ essay collections and resources such as the Chinese People’s University’sReprinted Material from Newspapers and Journals (中国人民大学, 《复印报刊资料》), this is still only a small part of relevant journal publications, and reprints often omit original bibliographical detail. In other words, journals remain an indispensable resource. Those that frequently feature essays on avant-garde poetry include Poetry Exploration (诗探索), New Poetry Review (新诗评论), Literary Review (文学评论), Trends in Research on Chinese Poetry(中国诗歌研究动态), Research on Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature (中国现代、当代文学研究), Research on Literature and Art (文艺研究), The Poetry Paper (诗歌报), The World of New Poetry (新诗界), Poetry Monthly (诗刊), Review of Contemporary Authors (当代作家评论), Writer(作家), Grand Master (大家), Flower City (花城), Mountain Flower (山花), Lotus (芙蓉), Beijing Literature (北京文学), Shanghai Literature (上海文学) and so on; unofficial journals such as Not-Not (非非), Modern Han Poetry (现代汉诗), Poetry Reference (诗参考) and Wings (翼); and journals based abroad such as Today (今天) and Tendency (倾向). Second, astonishing amounts of essays old and new appear on the Internet, as shown by the work of Heather Inwood (On the Scene of Contemporary Chinese Poetry, PhD thesis, London: SOAS, 2008). Although print culture clearly retains its powers of consecration, it is now anything but the measure of all things, especially for younger authors and those working outside academic institutions. Many of them primarily operate online, if not exclusively so. Third, much valuable commentary is contained in the introductions and afterwords to multiple-author poetry anthologies.

The number of mainland-Chinese books on avant-garde poetry is huge and continues to grow. Although the mobility of texts and readers has grown tremendously during the period covered in this project, this material is not automatically accessible to scholars based outside China, in the sense of knowing that it’s there to begin with, and then actually getting to see it. These things make completeness a tall order, and the record below certainly lays no claim to it.

As I was finishing this project, I had the opportunity to check what I have on the shelves against Liu Fuchun’s awe-inspiring Comprehensive Catalog of Books and Periodicals on China’s New Poetry (刘福春,《中国新诗书刊总目》, 北京:作家, 2006). Liu’s book is an extremely useful resource. It exemplifies the painstaking fact-finding that scholarship cannot do without, and that makes long-term, fundamental contributions to the field. Close to 800 pages long, it lists single-author and multiple-author poetry collections and essay collections in book form, from the most orthodox to the most avant-garde; a new edition including periodicals is planned for the near future. Covering the years 1916-2006, the Catalog is not limited to mainland China but includes entries from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, even though coverage of the latter areas is less thorough. In addition to innumerable officially published books, it lists many unofficial, “self-printed” (自印) publications, in recognition of their significance on the Chinese poetry scene. The present bibliography has benefited from Liu’s work by copying some 30 entries that I have not seen to date. Their details – title, author as known by other publications, date of appearance – show unambiguously that they treat of avant-garde poetry, or suggest this strongly enough to take what one might call the luxury risk of a false positive.

Finally, I hope the number of inaccuracies in the record below is less than proportionate to the richness of the material, and they won’t get in the way of readers wanting to get to the books.


•   Entries are followed by annotations, unless the book title in question makes this unnecessary (e.g. Liaoyuan 2001). While this should increase the effectiveness of electronic searches for material related to particular authors, issues, trends and events and so on, the annotations should be taken as rough indications rather than meticulous descriptions, since I haven’t read all the books listed below from cover to cover.
•   Chinese originals of names and terms used in the annotations are provided in a glossary following the bibliography. I follow terminology used in the book in question wherever possible. Hence, overlapping terms co-occur in the record as a whole (e.g. Third Generation, Newborn Generation and Post-Obscure Poetry). For additional information, further reading and so on, the reader is referred to Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money and the other two bibliographies.
•   The names of women authors and editors are followed by the character ♀, in light of the male dominance of avant-garde poetry from China, certainly in the metatextual arena – the more remarkable in light of the significance of Women’s Poetry, both textually and metatextually. This information is not intended to essentialize their literary or scholarly identities. It has been added inasmuch as it is available from the material I have consulted.
•   Simplified and full-form characters follow the original publications. Notably, Hong Kong publications of texts by mainland authors do not invariably use full-form characters.
•   Alphabetization is after aggregation: e.g. Mai Tong comes before Malingshu Xiongdi.
•   Aggregation follows previous transcription in Western-language publications where it exists, even if this flouts the rules for Chinese (family) names (e.g. Xi Chuan rather than Xichuan), and otherwise goes by those rules (e.g. Zhongdao rather than Zhong Dao). For Beiling, Duoduo and Haizi, whose names have also been transcribed as Bei LingDuo Duo and Hai Zi, I have opted for the aggregated versions. To increase the findability of personal names, the document ends with a list of alternative transcriptions that redirect the reader.


A Xi 阿西
2002 (ed):《流放地》[Place of Banishment], 北京:中国文联 | Title provides no literary-historical or aesthetic focus. Contains work by some twenty poets of different generations and varying aesthetic persuasions from the late 1970s until the early 2000s. Included because the poetry is often followed by the author’s (explicit-poetical) short prose.

An Qi ♀ 安琪 & Kang Cheng 康城
2002 (eds):《中间代诗论》[On Middle Generation Poetry], 漳州:unofficial | Special issue of unofficial journal《第三说》[Third Word]: criticism and explicit-poetical statements.

An Qi ♀ 安琪, Yuancun 远村 & Huang Lihai 黄礼孩
2004 (eds):《中间代诗全集》[Collected Poems of the Middle Generation], 共二册, 福州:海峡文艺 | Has a section containing critical essays on the Middle Generation.

Bai Hua 柏桦
2001 (柏樺):《左邊:毛澤東時代的抒情詩人》[On the Left: Lyric Poets in the Mao Era], 香港:牛津大學 | A mix of personal and unofficial-literary memoirs, covering the years from the Cultural Revolution to the 1990s, with special attention to the Sichuan scene.
2006:《今天的激情:柏桦十年文选》[Today’s Passion: Selections from Ten Years of Writing by Bai Hua], 上海:上海人民 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Online info: includes essays on the avant-garde.

Bei Dao 北岛
1998 (北島):《藍房子》[The Blue House], 台北:九歌 | Short prose.
2002 (北島):《午夜之門》[Midnight’s Door], 台北:九歌 | Short prose.
2004:《失败之书》[The Book of Failure], 汕头:汕头大学 Short prose.
2005:《时间的玫瑰》[The Rose of Time], 北京:中国文史 | Short prose.

Cai Tianxin 蔡天新
2003:《数字和玫瑰》[Numbers and Roses], 北京:三联 | Short prose.
2005:《飛行:一個詩人的旅行記》[Flying: A Poet’s Travel Notes], 台北:博誌文化 | Short prose.

Canxing 残星, Yihai 义海 et al 
1991 (eds):《先锋派诗》[Avant-Garde Poetry], 广州:花城 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Chang Li 常立 & Lu Shourong 卢寿荣
2002 (eds):《中国新诗》[China’s New Poetry], 上海:上海人民美术 | Intended for use in higher education. Contains many brief introductions of individual authors, journals, trends and so on. Chapters 7-8-9 survey the years from the Cultural Revolution through the 1990s, with much room forunofficial journals. Modestly illustrated with photographs and drawings of authors and publications.

Chang Wenchang 常文昌 & Guo Xuhui 郭旭辉
2006 (eds):《中国新时期诗歌研究资料》[Research Material on Chinese Poetry from the New Era], 济南:山东文艺 | Eclectic collection of more or less famous critical essays from the years 1980-2003, followed by an extensive chronological bibliography covering the years 1978-2004.

Chen Chao 陈超
1989 (ed):《中国探索诗鉴赏词典》[A Critical Anthology of Chinese Explorative Poetry], 石家庄:河北人民 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part 5 is on Obscure Poetry; part 6, on the Newborn Generation. Revised and expanded as Chen Chao 1999.
1994:《生命诗学论稿》[Essays on the Poetics of Life], 石家庄:河北教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
1999 (ed):《20世纪中国探索诗鉴赏词典》[A Critical Anthology of 20th-Century Chinese Explorative Poetry], 修订版, 共二册, 石家庄:河北人民 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part 5 (in vol 1) is on Obscure Poetry; part 6 (in vol 2), on the Newborn Generation. Revised and expanded edition of Chen Chao 1989.
2003:《打开诗的漂流瓶:现代诗研究论集》[Open the Floating Bottle of Poetry: Research Essays on Modern Poetry], 石家庄:河北教育 | Wide-ranging collection of brief literary-historical and literary-critical essays, with issues studied including the Baiyangdian “school,” the poetry scene at the turn of the century and the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.
2003 (ed):《最新先锋诗论选》[Selected Essays on the Newest Avant-Garde Poetry], 石家庄:河北教育 | Famous essays by an impressive line-up of critics and poets, roughly covering the 1990s and early 2000s.
2007:《中国先锋诗歌论》[On Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry], 北京:人民文学 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Online info: contains case studies of Shizhi, Bei Dao, Haizi, Xi Chuan, Yu Jian, Zhai Yongming and “ten poets of the Newborn Generation,” in addition to essays on the avant-garde at large.
2007:《游荡者说》[The Drifter Speaks], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.

Chen Dongdong 陈东东
1997:《词的变奏》[Variations on Words], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.

Chen Xuguang 陈旭光
1994 (ed):《快餐馆里的冷风景:诗歌诗论选》[Cold Landscape in a Fast Food Restaurant: Selected Poetry and Poetry Criticism], 北京:北京大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
1996:《诗学:理论与批评》[Poetics: Theory and Criticism], 天津:百花文艺 | In three parts, containing chapters on (1) poetry-theoretical issues, (2) the epic, Women’s Poetry and Third Generation Poetry, and (3) Post-Obscure Poetry.
2002:《中西诗学的会通:20世纪中国现代主义诗学研究》[Understanding Chinese and Western Poetics: A Study of 20th-Century Chinese Modernist Poetics], 北京:北京大学 | Has a chapter on Obscure and Post-Obscure Poetry.

Chen Zhongyi 陈仲义
1994:《诗的哗变:第三代诗面面观》[A Mutiny of Poetry: Perspectives on Third Generation Poetry], 厦门:鹭江 | Exhaustive treatment of the Third Generation, including special attention to its postmodern features and an elaborate comparison with Obscure Poetry, with reference to a wide range of issues and authors.
1996:《中国朦胧诗人论》[On China’s Obscure Poets], 南京:江苏文艺 | Contains case studies of Bei Dao, Shu Ting ♀, Gu Cheng, Jiang He and Yang Lian.
2000:《扇形的展开:中国现代诗学谫论》[Unfold Like a Fan: A Shallow Treatise on Modern Chinese Poetics], 杭州:浙江文艺 | Organized thematically, around sixteen different poetics, with reference to numerous authors, many of them in the avant-garde.

Chen Zishan陈子善
1993 (ed):《诗人顾城之死》[The Death of Poet Gu Cheng], 上海:上海人民

Cheng Bo 程波
2006:《先锋及其语境:中国当代先锋文学思潮研究》[The Avant-Garde and Its Contexts: A Study of Trends of Thought in Contemporary Chinese Avant-Garde Literature], 桂林:广西师范大学 | On poetry, fiction and film, with attention to new media, urbanization and the culture industry. Issues and authors studied include Obscure Poetry, Root-Seeking, the Third Generation and Individual Writing in the 1990s.

Cheng Guangwei 程光炜
1990:《朦胧诗实验诗艺术论》[On the Art of Obscure Poetry and Experimental Poetry], 武汉:长江, 1990 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2000:《雨中听枫:文坛回忆与批判》[Listening to Maple Trees in the Rain: Recollections and Critique of the Literary Scene], 武汉:湖北教育 | Issues and authors studied include Women’s Poetry, narrativity and Poetry of the Nineties, Wang Jiaxin, Haizi and Sun Wenbo.
2002:《程光炜诗歌时评》[Cheng Guangwei on Current Issues in Poetry], 开封:河南大学 | Issues and authors studied include Women’s Poetry, narrativity, Poety of the Nineties, the Popular-Intellectual Polemic, Wang Jiaxin, Ouyang Jianghe, Xi Chuan, Zhang Shuguang, Sun Wenbo and Hai Nan ♀.
2003:《中国当代诗歌史》[A History of Contemporary Chinese Poetry], 北京:中国人民大学 | Survey textbook for use in higher education.

Cui Weiping ♀ 崔卫平
1999 (ed):《不死的海子》[The Undying Haizi], 北京:中国文联 | Ten-year-commemorative collection of essays on Haizi by critics and poets, from the years 1989-1999. With many photographs.

Fu Mahuo 符马活
2002 (ed):《诗江湖:2001网络诗歌年选:先锋诗歌档案》[Poetry Vagabonds: Selected Internet Poetry from 2001: The Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 西宁:青海人民 | Includes chapters containing interviews and short prose.

Fu Mahuo 符马活 & Duoyu 朵渔
2001 (eds):《诗江湖2000》[Poetry Vagabonds 2000], 香港:香港銀河 | Has a section containing critical essays, with attention to issues including Lower Body poetry and the Popular-Intellectual Polemic, generally advocating the Popular side of things.

Fu Zhengming 傅正明
2003:《黑暗詩人:黄翔和他的多彩世界》[Poet of Darkness: Huang Xiang and His Many-Colored World], New York: 柯捷 / Cozy House | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Gao Bo 高波
2003:《解读海子》[Interpreting Haizi], 昆明:云南人民
2005:《现代诗人和现代诗》[Modern Poets and Modern Poetry], 昆明:云南人民 | Contains chapters on Yang Lian, Haizi and Yu Jian.

Geng Zhanchun 耿占春
2000:《改变世界与改变语言》[Changing the World and Changing Language], 北京:社会科学文献 | Issues and authors studied include Bei Dao, Shu Ting ♀, Jiang He, Yang Lian and Duoduo (aka Bai Ye), Chen Dongdong and Zhai Yongming ♀, and the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.
2002:《中魔的镜子》[A Mirror Possessed], 上海:学林 | Issues and authors studied include Poetry of the Nineties, narrativity, the Popular-Intellectual Polemic, Wang Jiaxin and Lanlan ♀.
2008: 《失去象征的世界:诗歌、经验与修辞》[A World That Has Lost the Symbol: Poetry, Experience and Rhetoric], 北京:北京大学 | Authors studied include Xiao Kaiyu, Haizi, Xi Chuan, Bei Dao, Wang Xiaoni ♀, Shen Wei and Zang Di.

Gong Mu 公木
1991 (ed):《新诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of New Poetry], 上海:上海辞书 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Not seen 2002 (expanded?) reprint, listed on various websites.

Gu Xiang ♀ 顾乡
1994:《我面对的顾城最后十四天》[Gu Cheng’s Final Fourteen Days as I Faced Them], 北京:国际文化

Hai Nan 海男
1997:《屏风中的声音》[Sounds inside the Screen], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.

Hong Zicheng 洪子诚
2001:《20世纪中国文学研究:当代文学研究》[Research on 20th-Century Chinese Literature: The Contemporary Era], 北京:北京 | State-of-the-field meta-study: chapter 4 is on poetry.
2002 (ed):《在北大课堂读诗》[Reading Poetry in the Classroom at Peking University], 武汉:长江文艺 | Written record of graduate seminars supervised by Hong Zicheng, with chapters on Zhang Zao, Wang Jiaxin, Zang Di, Ouyang Jianghe, Zhai Yongming ♀, Lü De’an, Sun Wenbo, Xiao Kaiyu, Xi Chuan, Han Dong, Bai Hua, Zhang Shuguang, Yu Jian and Chen Dongdong.

Hong Zicheng 洪子诚 & Liu Denghan 刘登翰
1993:《中国当代新诗史》[A History of China’s Contemporary New Poetry], 北京:人民文学 | Chapters 6, 10 and 11 are on the avant-garde. Revised and expanded as Hong Zicheng & Liu Denghan 2005.
2005:《中国当代新诗史》[A History of China’s Contemporary New Poetry], 修订版, 北京:北京大学 | Chapters 7, 11, 12 and 13 are on the avant-garde. Revised and expanded edition of Hong Zicheng & Liu Denghan 1993.

Huang Bangjun 黄邦君 & Zou Jianjun 邹建军
1988 (eds):《中国新诗大辞典》[A Dictionary of China’s New Poetry], 长春:时代文艺 | Includes commentaries on some famous, early Obscure poets and poems.

Huang Hai 黄海 & Yi Sha 伊沙
2000 (eds),《唐》[Tang], 呼和浩特:远方 | Has a section containing criticial essays advocating the Popular side of things in the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.

Huang Liang 黃粱
1997:《想像的對話》[Imagined Dialogue], 台北:唐山 | Includes a chapter on Yang Lian and a long chapter on the avant-garde at large.
1999:《地下的光脈》[Underground Veins of Light], 台北:唐山 | Contains a long essay on the avant-garde at large, and explicit-poetical pieces by Zhu Wen, Haishang, Ma Yongbo, Yu Nu, Zhou Lunyou, Hong Ying ♀ & Zhao Yiheng, Yu Jian, Meng Lang and Bai Hua; part of《大陸先鋒詩》[Avant-Garde Poetry from Mainland China] series, edited by Huang and including individual collections of said authors.

Huang Lifang 黄黎方
1994:《朦胧诗人顾城之死》[The Death of Obscure Poet Gu Cheng], 广州:花城

Huang Lihai 黄礼孩
2001 (ed):《’70后诗人诗选》[Selected Poems by Post-70 Poets], 福州:海风 | Has a section containing critical essays on Post-70 Poetry.

Huang Lihai黄礼孩 & Jiang Tao ♀ 江涛
2002 (eds):《2002年中国女性诗歌大扫描》[A Broad Overview of Chinese Women’s Poetry in 2002], 广州:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal《诗歌与人》[Poetry and People], containing criticism as well as poetry.
2004 (eds):《最受读者喜欢的10位女诗人》[The 10 Women Poets That Readers Like Best], 广州:unofficial | Special issue of the unofficial journal《诗歌与人》[Poetry and People], containing criticism as well as poetry.

Huang Xiang 黄翔
2002:《总是寂寞:太陽屋手記之一》[Always Lonely: Notes from the Sun Room, part 1], 台北:桂冠 | Not seen; listed on various websites.
2002:《沉思的雷暴:太陽屋手記之二》[A Thunderstorm of Contemplation: Notes from the Sun Room, part 2], 台北:桂冠 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2002:《鋒芒畢露的傷口:太陽屋手記之三》[Wounds Showing Off: Notes from the Sun Room, part 3], 台北:桂冠 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2003:《喧囂與寂寞:黃翔自傳·東方敍事》[Clamor and Loneliness: Huang Xiang’s Autobiography, a Tale from the East], New York: 柯捷 / Cozy House | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Jiang Gengyu 姜耕玉
2005:《汉语智慧:新诗形式批评》[The Wisdom of Chinese: A Critique of the Form of New Poetry], 南京:东方大学 | Includes chapters on and numerous references to the avant-garde, with attention to linguistic development: e.g. colloquialization and the specific, poetic potential of the Chinese language.

Jiang Hongwei 姜红伟
2008 (ed):《寻找诗歌史上的失踪者:二十世纪八十年代校园诗歌运动备忘录》[In Search of Those Who Have Gone Missing from Poetry’s History: A Memorandum of the Campus Poetry Movement of the Eighties], 济南:黄河 | Included in view of the importance of Campus Poetry for the development of the avant-garde and its readership. Contains inventories of hundreds of more or less famous Campus poets in their institutional-geographical settings, their various types of publications, poetry societies and so on, as well as poetry, memoirs and criticism. With photographs;exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.

Jiang Xi 江熙 & Wan Xiang 万象
1995:《灵魂之路:顾城的一生》[Road of the Soul: The Life of Gu Cheng], 北京:中国人事

Jin Xiaofeng ♀ 金小凤
2003:《小凤丢手绢》[Little Feng’s Lost Handkerchief], 济南:山东画报 | Includes interviews with Xi Chuan, Yin Lichuan ♀, Zhu Wen, Yu Jian, Yan Jun and Ouyang Jianghe. With photographs; exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.

Jing Wendong 敬文东
2008: 《诗歌在解构的日子里》[Poetry in the Days of Deconstruction], 北京:北京大学 | Mostly on the avant-garde, with references to numerous authors of a variety of poetic persuasions.

Lao Mu 老木
1985 (ed):《青年诗人谈诗》[Young Poets on Poetry], 北京:北京大学五四文学社 | Semi-official publication. Early explicit-poetical statements by authors including Bei Dao, Shu Ting ♀, Jiang He, Gu Cheng, Yang Lian, Yan Li, Lin Mang, Tian Xiaoqing, Liang Xiaobin, Wang Xiaoni ♀, Xu Jingya, Han Dong, Wang Jiaxin, Bai Hua, Zhai Yongming ♀, Beiling, Luo Yihe, Daozi, Shi Guanghua, Haizi, and Song Qu & Song Wei.

Li Lizhong ♀ 李丽中
1988 (ed):《朦胧诗·新生代诗百首点评》[Obscure Poetry and Newborn Poetry: A Hundred Poems, with Commentaries], 天津:南开大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1988 (ed):《骚动的诗神:新潮诗歌选评》[A Restless God of Poetry: Selected New Tide Poetry, with Commentaries], 石家庄:花山文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Li Lizhong ♀ 李丽中, Zhang Lei 张雷 & Zhang Xu 张旭
1990 (eds):《朦胧诗后:中国先锋诗选》[After Obscure Poetry: Selected Chinese Avant-Garde Poems], 天津:南开大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Li Qian 李骞
1999:《百年中国新诗流派史》[A History of Schools in a Hundred Years of China’s New Poetry], 深圳:海天 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Li Runxia ♀ 李潤霞
2008 (forthcoming):《亂世潛流:文化大革命時期的地下詩歌研究》[Undercurrent in a World in Turmoil: A Study of Underground Poetry during the Cultural Revolution], 台北:台灣秀威 | Authors studied include those based in and around Guizhou, Beijing and Shanghai: Huang Xiang, Ya Mo, Guo Lusheng (= Shizhi), the Baiyangdian “school” (Genzi, Mang Ke, Duoduo), Chen Jianhua, Qian Yulin and Zhang Ye ♀. Info from author. Included in light of the significance of underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution, and the continuing “sensitivity” of this historical period as the subject of research in the PRC. Although this “sensitivity” applies mostly to political history, the resultant (self‑)censorship by publishers and government offices also affects the study of literature.
2009 (forthcoming):《中國大陸朦朧詩研究》[A Study of Mainland-Chinese Obscure Poetry], 台北:台灣秀威 | Covers the years from 1978 to the mid-1980s. Info from author. Included because it is an integral part of the project outlined in the next entry.
ms (planned for publication in mainland China):《从潜流到急流:中国新诗潮研究》[From Undertow to Jet Flow: A Study of China’s New Tide Poetry], unpublished manuscript | Intended to cover the same ground as Li Runxia 2008 and 2009 combined: underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution and Obscure Poetry, from 1966 to the mid-1980s. Info from author. Included in light of the significance of underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution, and the continuing “sensitivity” of this historical period as the subject of research in the PRC. Although this “sensitivity” applies mostly to political history, the resultant (self‑)censorship by publishers and government offices also affects the study of literature.

Li Xinyu 李新宇
2000:《中国当代诗歌艺术演变史》[An Evolutionary History of the Art of Contemporary Chinese Poetry], 杭州:浙江大学 | Contains several chapters on the avant-garde: 7 (underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution), 9 (Obscure Poetry), 10 (Root-Seeking), 11 (Newborn Generation) and 12 (Women’s Poetry).

Li Zhen 李振
2001:《母语诗学的纲要》[Mother-Tongue Poetics: An Outline], 西安:三秦 | Issues and authors studied include Mother Tongue Poetics, Mother Tongue Culture and Mother Tongue Criticism, Women’s Poetry, Yan Li, Wang Xiaoni ♀, Hu Kuan, Daozi, Lan Ma, Zhou Lunyou, Yu Jian, Yang Li, Han Dong, Zhai Yongming ♀, Ouyang Jianghe, Yu Jian, He Xiaozhu and Yi Sha.

Liao Yiwu 廖亦武
1999 (ed):《沉沦的圣殿:中国二十世纪70年代地下诗歌遗照》[Sunken Temple: China’s Underground Poetry in the 70s of the Twentieth Century], 乌鲁木齐:新疆青少年 | Memoirs. Issues and authors studied include truly clandestine stages of underground poetry prior to and during the Cultural Revolution, Guo Shiying, Mou Dunbai, Guo Lusheng (= Shizhi), Zhao Yifan, the Baiyangdian “school” and Today. With many photographs; exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.

Liaoyuan 燎原
2000:《重读诗人:昌耀诗作精品赏欣》[Rereading the Poet: Appreciations of Masterpieces of Poetry by Chang Yao], 西安:陕西人民教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2001:《扑向太阳之豹:海子评传》[Leopard Pouncing at the Sun: A Critical Biography of Haizi], 海口:南海

Liu Fuchun 刘福春
2004:《新诗纪事》[A Chronicle of New Poetry], 北京:学苑 | Chronological listing of events (publications, conferences, deaths, etc), in New Poetry from 1917 to 2000. Has no index.
2005:《中国当代新诗编年史1966-1976》[A Chronicle of China’s Contemporary New Poetry, 1966-1976], 开封:河南大学 | Covers mostly above-ground, more or less orthodox authors and texts, but also includes data on the early Obscure Poets. Has an index.
2006:《中国新诗书刊总目》[A Comprehensive Catalog of Books and Periodicals on China’s New Poetry], 北京:作家 | Lists single-author and multiple-author poetry collections and essay collections in book form. A new edition including periodicals is planned for the near future. SeeSCOPE, above.

Liu He ♀ 刘禾
2001 (ed):《持燈的使者》[The Lamp-Bearing Messenger], 香港:牛津大學 | Contains essays and interviews on Today and its underground pre-history during the Cultural Revolution, and a chronicle of Today-related events.

Liu Na ♀ 刘纳
1996:《诗:激情与策略 – 后现代主义与当代诗歌》[Poetry: Passion and Strategy—Postmodernism and Contemporary Poetry], 北京:中国社会 |Essayistic study of the avant-garde in the 1980s and the early to mid-1990s, with reference to a wide range of issues and authors.

Liu Shijie 刘士杰
1996 (ed):《诗化心史》[A Poetic History of the Heart], 北京:中国社会科学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1999:《走向边缘的诗神》[The God of Poetry, Moving toward the Margins], 太原:山西教育 | Essayistic survey of the 1990s, with reference to numerous authors.

Liu Shuyuan 刘树元
2005 (ed):《中国现当代诗歌赏析》[Appreciations of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry], 杭州:浙江大学 | Authors studied include Shizhi, Mang Ke, Gu Cheng, Bei Dao, Liang Xiaobin, Shu Ting, Wang Xiaoni, Haizi, Luo Yihe, Wang Jiaxin, Han Dong, Li Yawei, Xi Chuan, Yu Jian and Zhou Lunyou.

Liu Xiang 刘翔
2003:《那些日子的颜色:中国当代抒情诗歌》[The Color of Those Days: Contemporary Chinese Lyric Poetry], 上海:学林 | Issues and authors studied include the Baiyangdian “school,” Today, Huang Xiang, Ya Mo, Guo Lusheng (= Shizhi), Genzi, Duoduo, Mang Ke, Jiang He, Yang Lian, Shu Ting ♀, Gu Cheng, Hei Dachun, Bei Dao, Bai Hua, Xi Chuan, Zhou Lunyou, Liang Xiaoming, Yang Jian, Lu Yimin ♀, Lanlan ♀ and many others.

Liu Yanglie 刘扬烈
2000:《中国新诗发展史》[A History of the Development of China’s New Poetry], 重庆:重庆 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Long Quanming 龙泉明 & Zhao Xiaoqi 赵小琪
2003 (eds)《中国新诗名作导读》[Reading Guide to Famous Works of Chinese New Poetry], 武汉:长江文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Lü Zhouju 吕周聚
2001:《中国当代先锋诗歌研究》[A Study of Contemporary Chinese Avant-Garde Poetry], 北京:中国广播电视 | Organized around the notion of the avant-garde (scope, aesthetics, relation to Western modernism, as subculture, as Bohemian, thematics and orientation, form, language), with reference to numerous authors.

Luo Zhenya 罗振亚
1993:《中国现代主义诗歌流派史》[A History of Schools in Chinese Modernist Poetry], 哈尔滨:北方文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2002:《中国现代主义诗歌史论》[On the History of Chinese Modernist Poetry], 北京:社会科学文献 | Chapters 5 and 6 are on Obscure Poetry and the Third Generation, respectively.
2002:《中国新诗的历史与文化透视》[China’s New Poetry: Historical and Cultural Perspectives], 哈尔滨:黑龙江教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2005:《朦胧诗后先锋诗歌研究》[A Study of the Avant-Garde after Obscure Poetry], 北京:中国社会科学 | Contains chapters on the Third Generation, Haizi and “Death” and “Rebirth” in avant-garde discourse, Individualized Writing, “Alternative” voices of the Post-70 Generation with special attention to Lower Body poetry, and feminist criticism.

Ma Yutian 马玉田 & Zhang Jianye 张建业
1991 (eds):《1979-1989十年文艺理论论争言论摘编》[Selected Texts from a Decade of Polemics in Literature and Art, 1979-1989], 北京:北京十月文艺 | Orthodox in approach and terminology, but relevant inasmuch as the avant-garde has been negatively defined with orthodoxy as its point of calibration during the various stages of its development. Chapter 9 is on “Western Modernism and Chinese literature,” and contains a section on Obscure Poetry, which was among the targets of the 1983-1984 campaign to Eradicate Spiritual Pollution.

Mai Tong 麦童 & Xiaomin ♀ 晓敏
1994:《利斧下的童话》[A Fairy Tale under the Axe], 上海:上海三联 | Commemorative volume on Gu Cheng, with a section on (other) deaths in poetry: Haizi, Ge Mai and others.

Malingshu Xiongdi 马铃薯兄弟
2002 (ed):《中国网络诗典》[A Dictionary of Chinese Internet Poetry], 南京:江苏文艺 | Has a section containing criticism and a list of websites.

Mang Ke 芒克
2003:《瞧! 这些人》[Look at Them All!], 长春:时代文艺 | Memoirs: brief, personal recollections of fellow poets, writers and artists, friends, and so on. Includes chapters on Genzi, Duoduo, Bei Dao, Guo Lusheng (= Shizhi), Gu Cheng, Yang Lian, Lin Mang, Yan Li, Hei Dachun, Xue Di, Momo, Xi Chuan, Ouyang Jianghe, Wang Qiang, Liao Yiwu, Yu Jian and Zang Di. With many photographs; exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.

Mao Jian 冒键
2005:《最后的神话:诗人自杀之谜》[The Last Myth: The Riddle of the Poet’s Suicide], 银川:宁夏人民 | Not limited to Chinese poets (or to the modern era), but arguably Chinese in its fascination with literary suicide. Includes references to Haizi, Ge Mai and Fang Xiang.

Meng Fanhua 孟繁华
1986:《新时期小说与诗歌十讲》[Ten Lectures on Fiction and Poetry of the New Era], 北京:中国青年 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Min Zhengdao 闵正道
1994 (ed):《中国诗选》[Selected Chinese Poetry], 成都:成都科技大学 | Presented as first (book-length) issue of serial publication. Has a section containing criticism on a range of issues and authors, mostly on the mid- and late 1980s and the early 1990s.

Ouyang Jianghe 欧阳江河
2001:《站在虚构这边》[Side with the Fictitious], 北京:三连 | Collected critical essays, many of them well known. Issues and authors studied include Poetry of the Nineties, Bei Dao, Bai Hua and Zhai Yongming.

Qi Feng 齐峰, Jie’er 阶耳 & Ren Wu 任悟
1988 (eds):《朦胧诗名篇鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Famous Obscure Poems], 西安:陕西师范大学 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Shen Qi 沈奇
1996 (ed):《詩是什麼:20世紀中國詩人如是說 (當代大陸卷)》[What Is Poetry: Views of 20th-Century Chinese Poets (Contemporary Mainland Volume)], 台北:爾雅 | Explicit-poetical statements by authors including Xu Jingya, Yu Jian, Yan Li, Wang Xiaoni ♀, Yang Lian, Zhai Yongming ♀, Gu Cheng, Ouyang Jianghe, Wang Jiaxin, Yang Ke, Kaiyu (= Xiao Kaiyu), Han Dong, Xi Chuan, Zang Di and Yi Sha.
1999:《拒绝与再造》[Reject and Recreate], 西安:西北大学 | Collection of mostly brief essays on various topics from the 1980s and 1990s. Includes reviews of Yu Jian’s and Yi Sha’s work.
2005:《沈奇诗学论集》[Shen Qi’s Collected Essays in Poetics], 共三册, 北京:中国社会科学 | Vol 1 is on “poetics, poetry currents and poetry talk,” and includes (mostly brief) essays on various issues in avant-garde discourse (e.g. colloquialization, Poetry of the Nineties, trends and events). Vol 2 contains case studies of mainland poets including Yu Jian, Yi Sha, Zhao Ye, Yan Li, Zhongdao, Li Yawei, Momo, Wang Xiaoni ♀, Yu Nu, Duoduo, Zhang Zao, Tang Xin, Wang Yin, Zhai Yongming ♀, Shen Haobo, Shuijingzhulian ♀ and Huang Lihai.

Shen Taihui 沈太慧, Chen Quanrong 陈全荣 & Yang Zhijie 杨志杰
1985 (eds):《1979-1983文艺论争集》[Collected Polemics in Literature and Art, 1979-1983], 郑州:黄河文艺 | Orthodox in approach and terminology, but relevant inasmuch as the avant-garde has been negatively defined with orthodoxy as its point of calibration during the various stages of its development. Includes a series of items on Obscure Poetry.

Shen Wei 沈苇 & Wu Hong 武红
1997 (eds):《中国作家访谈录》[Interviews with Chinese Writers], 乌鲁木齐:新疆青少年 | Includes interviews with Yang Lian, Gu Cheng, Xi Chuan, Wang Jiaxin, Zhai Yongming ♀ and Bai Hua.

Song Zuifa 宋醉发
2008 (ed, phot):《中国诗歌的脸》[The Face of Chinese Poetry], 香港:中国文化 | Portrait photographs of a hundred and fifty poets and twenty critics, “illustrated” by poems and poetical statements. Exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.

Sun Jilin 孙基林
1999:《内在的眼睛》[The Inner Eye], 北京:中国文联 | Collected (brief) essays on a range of subjects in modern poetry, including trends and events in poetry discourse and on the poetry scene (e.g. Poetry of the Nineties, the Popular-Intellectual Polemic).
2004:《崛起与喧嚣:从朦胧诗到第三代》[The Rising and the Clamor: From Obscure Poetry to the Third Generation], 北京:国际文化 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Sun Qinan 孙琴安
2002 (ed):《沉思:朦胧诗二十五年》[Contemplation: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002 (ed):《追求:朦胧诗二十五年》[Pursuit: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002 (ed):《恋情:朦胧诗二十五年》[Love Affair: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.
2002 (ed):《漂泊:朦胧诗二十五年》[Drifting: Twenty-Five Years of Obscure Poetry], 上海:上海社会科学院 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Part of a four-volume set edited by Sun, but with stand-alone status according to colophon.

Sun Wenbo 孙文波, Zang Di 臧棣 & Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚
1999 (eds):《中国诗歌评论1:形式的命名》[Chinese Poetry Review 1: Naming Form], 北京:人民文学 | First instalment of a series of journal-like but book-length collections of poetry, criticism and interviews (formally classified as books, not journal issues); see also under Xiao Kiayu et al and Zang Di et al. The line-up of contributors reflects an Elevated-Intellectual orientation.

Tan Kexiu 谭克修
2003 (ed):《明天:21世纪汉语诗歌前沿读本:第壹卷》[Tomorrow: A Reader in 21st-Century Cutting-Edge Poetry in Chinese: Volume One], 长沙:湖南文艺 | Has a section containing critical essays on issues including Chineseness and form in Chinese poetry.
2005 (ed):《明天:21世纪汉语诗歌前沿读本:第贰卷》[Tomorrow: A Reader in 21st-Century Cutting-Edge Poetry in Chinese: Volume Two], 长沙:湖南文艺 | Divided into geographically defined sections (poetry from Beijing, poetry from North China, etc), with critical essays in each section; also contains interviews with Xi Chuan and Yi Sha, and a chronicle of recent events on the poetry scene.

Tan Wuchang 谭五昌
2000:《重读诗人:海子诗作精品赏欣》[Rereading the Poet: Appreciations of Masterpieces of Poetry by Haizi], 西安:陕西人民教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2004 (ed):《中国新诗白皮书·1999-2002》[White Book of New Chinese Poetry, 1999-2002], 北京:昆仑 | Has a section containing important critical essays from the years 1999-2002, by a range of authors.

Tang Qi 唐祈
1990 (ed):《中国新诗名篇鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of Famous Works of China’s New Poetry], 成都:四川辞书 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡
1989:《不断重复的起点》[Never Stop Starting All Over Again], 北京:文化艺术 | Early collection of critical essays, including general-poetic pieces and studies of Liao Yiwu and Yu Jian.
1994:《唐晓渡自选集》[Tang Xiaodu: His Own Anthology], 贵阳:贵州人民 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
1999 (ed):《现代汉诗年鉴1998》[1998 Yearbook of Modern Han Poetry], 北京:中国文联 | Has a section containing criticism, mostly by authors associated with Intellectual Writing. Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity.
2001:《唐晓渡诗学论文集》[Tang Xiaodu’s Essays in Poetics], 北京:中国社会科学 | Collected essays on a wide range of issues and authors from the 1980s and the 1990s. Longer essays include pieces on Poetry of the Nineties, Mang Ke, Zhai Yongming ♀ and Yang Lian.
2007:《今天是每一天》[Today is Every Day], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites. Title alludes to Mang Ke’s《今天是哪一天》[Which Day is Today]; see the bibliography of poetry collections.

Tian Zhiwei 田志伟
1987:《朦胧诗纵横谈》[A Free and Easy Discussion of Obscure Poetry], 沈阳:辽宁大学 | Early study, containing chapters on the polemic over Obscure Poetry, its theoretical underpinnings and its aesthetics.

Wang Bin 王彬
1991 (ed):《二十世纪中国新诗鉴赏辞典》[A Critical Anthology of China’s New Poetry of the Twentieth Century], 北京:中国文联 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Circulation was withheld by the authorities because the anthology contains a small number of poems by Bei Dao, whose work was banned in China from 1989 until 2003; all had been previously anthologized any number of times. All but a handful of the fifty complimentary copies that had already been distributed were handed back in. See Wang Bin & Gu Zhicheng 1998.

Wang Bin 王彬 & Gu Zhicheng 顾志成
1998 (eds):《二十世纪中国新诗选》[A Selection of China’s New Poetry of the Twentieth Century], 北京:大众文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries. Revised edition of Wang Bin 1991; contains no poetry by Bei Dao.

Wang Changzhong 王昌忠
2008:《中国新诗中的先锋话语》[The Avant-Garde Discourse in China’s New Poetry], 上海:学林 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Online info: contains chapters on Haizi & Xi Chuan, and on Chang Yao.

Wang Guangming 王光明
1993:《艰难的指向:”新诗潮” 与二十世纪中国现代诗》[Pointing the Way in Hardship: “New Tide Poetry” and Twentieth-Century Modern Chinese Poetry], 长春:时代文艺 | Issues and authors studied include underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution, early Obscure Poetry and the polemic it generated, Shu Ting ♀ and Xie Mian.
1998 (ed):《现代汉诗:反思与求索》[Modern Han Poetry: Introspection and Exploration], 北京:作家 | Essays presented at the 1997 Wuyishan international conference on modern Chinese poetry. Includes many contributions on the avant-garde by a range of critics and poets. Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity. Officially edited by the Modern Han Poetry One-Hundred-Year Evolution Theme Group (现代汉诗百年演变课题组), but Wang Guangming is generally recognized as the book’s actual editor.
2002:《面向新诗的问题》[Facing the Question of New Poetry], 北京:学苑 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Online info: includes essays on the avant-garde.
2002:《文学批评的两地视野》[Two Lines of Vision in Literary Criticism], 北京:北京大学 | Includes chapters on critics Wang Guangming (sic), Xie Mian and Hong Zicheng, on the polemic over Obscure Poetry, literature in the 1990s, and on feminist criticism.
2003:《现代汉诗的百年演变》[Modern Han Poetry: A Hundred Years of Evolution], 石家庄:河北人民 | Survey work of modern poetry in Chinese. Includes chapters on Obscure Poetry and the Newborn Generation / Third Generation (11) and on the 1990s (13). Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity.
2008 (ed): 《开放诗歌的阅读空间:读诗会品赏录》[Opening Up Poetry’s Reading Spaces: A Record of Appreciative Samplings by the Poetry Reading Club], 北京:社会科学文献 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Online info: includes essays on the avant-garde.

Wang Jianzhao 汪剑钊.
1998 (ed):《中国当代先锋诗人随笔选》[Selected Short Prose by Contemporary Chinese Avant-Garde Poets], 北京:中国社会科学 | Contributors include Yu Jian, Wang Ai, Ge Mai, Xi Chuan, Sun Wenbo, Yan Li, Yang Ke, Chen Dongdong, Zhang Shuguang, Zheng Danyi, Shu Cai, Zhong Ming, Ouyang Jianghe, Mo Fei, Haizi, Hai Nan ♀, Geng Zhanchun, Tang Danhong ♀, Liang Xiaoming, Hei Dachun, Lanlan ♀, Zhai Yongming ♀ and Zang Di.
2006:《二十世纪中国的现代主义诗歌》[Twentieth-Century Chinese Modernist Poetry], 北京:文化艺术 | Includes chapters on Obscure Poetry and on (Post-Obscure) Postmodernism, the latter containing case studies of “Women’s Confessional Poetry” and Individual Writing (Duoduo, Lanlan ♀, Haizi, Ouyang Jianghe and Wang Jiaxin).

Wang Jiaping 王家平
2002:《紅衛兵詩歌研究》[A Study of Red Guard Poetry], 台北:五南 | Relevant inasmuch as “typical” Red Guard Poetry overlapped with the avant-garde’s underground history, if only as regards historical context in the broad sense. An expanded edition appeared in the People’s Republic in 2004 (Wang Jiaping 2004).
2004:《文化大革命时期诗歌研究》[A Study of Poetry during the Cultural Revolution], 开封:河南大学 | Relevant inasmuch as “typical” Red Guard Poetry overlapped with the avant-garde’s underground history, if only as regards historical context in the broad sense. Expanded edition of Wang Jiaping 2002: added chapters on official, government-sanctioned publications during the Cultural Revolution, and on poetry by poets in (domestic) exile, meaning those held in jails, makeshift jails known as cowsheds, and cadre schools, including Huang Xiang.

Wang Jiaxin 王家新
1989:《人与世界的相遇》[Man’s Encounter with the World], 北京:文化艺术 | Early collection of mostly explicit-poetical essays.
1997:《夜莺在它自己的时代》[The Nightingale in Its Own Time], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
2002:《没有英雄的诗:王家新诗学论文随笔集》[Poetry without Heroes: Wang Jiaxin’s Essays and Short Prose on Poetry], 北京:中国社会科学 | Contains several essays on the avant-garde at large. Issues and authors studied include Poetry of the Nineties, the Popular-Intellectual Polemic, Haizi and Duoduo. Title echoes Bei Dao’s famous poem «Declaration» (宣告).
2003:《座矮板凳的天使》[Angel Sitting on a Low Stool], 北京:中国工人 | Short prose.
2007:《取道斯德哥尔摩》[Via Stockholm], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
2008:《为凤凰找寻栖所:现代诗歌论集》[In Search of a Place for the Phoenix to Perch: Essays in Modern Poetry], 北京:北京大学 | Essays on topics including Wang’s explicit poetics and developments on the contemporary scene.

Wang Jiaxin 王家新 & Sun Wenbo 孙文波
2000 (eds):《中国诗歌:九十年代备忘录》[Chinese Poetry: Memorandum for the Nineties], 北京:人民文学 | Collection of critical essays, with the line-up of contributors and the choice of essays reflecting a general Elevated-Intellectual orientation, and specifically the editors’ position in the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.

Wang Jifang 汪继芳
2000 (ed):《断裂:世纪末的文学事故—自由作家访谈录》[Rupture: An Accident in Literature at the End of the Century—Interviews with Free Writers], 南京 :江苏文艺 | Contains interviews with Huang Fan, Liu Ligan, Zhuzhu, Lu Yang, Han Dong and Zhu Wen among others, and additional material such as the original Rupture questionnaire and a chronicle of events.

Wang Xiaoni 王小妮
1997:《手执一枝黄花》[With a Yellow Flower in Our Hand], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
2007:《安放》[Put Things in Place], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.

Wang Yi 王毅
1998:《中国现代主义诗歌史论》[On the History of Chinese Modernist Poetry], 重庆:西南师范大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Wang Yichuan 王一川
1998:《中国形象诗学:1985至1995年文学新潮阐释》[Chinese Image Poetics: Interpretations of the New Tide in Literature from 1985 to 1995], 上海:上海三联 | Issues and authors studied include Obscure Poetry, colloquialization, Yu Jian, Yi Sha, Ouyang Jianghe, Zhou Lunyou, Li Yawei, Hu Dong and Han Dong.

Wang Yun 王耘
2000:《重读诗人:顾城诗作精品赏欣》[Rereading the Poet: Appreciations of Masterpieces of Poetry by Gu Cheng], 西安:陕西人民教育

Wang Zelong 王泽龙
1995:《中国现代主义诗潮论》[On the Modernist Tide in Chinese Poetry], 武汉:华中师范大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Wei Tianwu 魏天无
2006:《新诗现代性追求的矛盾与演变:九十年代诗论研究》[Contradiction and Evolution in the New Poetry’s Pursuit of Modernity: A Study of Poetics in the Nineties], 武汉:湖北教育 | Issues studied include “pure poetry,” Intellectual Writing, Middle-Aged Writing, Individual Writing, narrativity and the debate engendered by Zheng Min’s views of (contemporary) modern Chinese poetry.

Wen Peng 文鹏 & Jiang Ling 姜凌
2000 (eds): 《中国现代名诗三百首》[Three Hundred Famous Modern Chinese Poems], 北京:北京 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Wen Xin 文昕
1994:《顾城绝命之谜:英儿解秘》[The Riddle of Gu Cheng on the Verge of Death: The Secret of Ying’er Divulged], 北京:华艺

Wu Kaijin 吴开晋
1991 (ed):《新时期诗潮论》[On the Rising Tide of Poetry in the New Era], 济南:济南 | Contains chapters on Obscure Poetry (6) and the Newborn Generation (7).
1999:《当代新诗论》[On Contemporary New Poetry], 济南:山东友谊 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Wu Kaijin 吴开晋 & Wang Chuanbin 王传斌
1986 (eds):《当代诗歌名篇诗歌赏析》[Appreciations of Famous Contemporary Poems], 福州:海峡文艺 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Wu Shanghua 吴尚华
2004:《中国当代诗歌艺术转型论》[On Transformation in the Art of Contemporary Chinese Poetry], 合肥:安徽教育 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Online info: in two parts, on the 1950s-1970s (1) and the 1980s-1990s (2). Issues and authors studied include underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution (Shizhi, the Baiyangdian “school”), Obscure Poetry, Post-Obscure Poetry, Women’s Poetry, Intellectual Writing, Popular Writing, narrativity and Individual Writing, Bei Dao, Ouyang Jianghe, Yang Li and possibly many others.

Wu Sijing 吴思敬
1993 (ed):《磁场与魔方:新潮诗论卷》[Magnetic Field and Magic Square: New Tide Poetry Criticism Volume], in《当代诗歌潮流回顾》[A Look Back at Trends in Contemporary Poetry] series, edited by Xie Mian 谢冕and Tang Xiaodu唐晓渡, 北京:北京师范大学 | Balanced collection of famous essays by critics and poet from the years 1980-1992. The other five volumes in the series are multiple-author poetry collections.
2001:《诗学沉思录》[Thoughts on Poetics], 沈阳:辽宁人民 | Collected essays on poetics in general and specific issues and authors in the avant-garde, the latter including Obscure Poetry, trends in the 1980s, the Newborn Generation, trends in the 1990s, Women’s Poetry and the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.
2002:《走向哲学的诗》[Poetry Moving toward Philosophy], 北京:学苑 | Collected (brief) essays on a wide range of issues and authors of modern poetry, with those most relevant to the contemporary avant-garde’s development generally situated toward the front of the book.

Xi Chuan 西川
1997:《让蒙面人说话》[Let the Masked Speak], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short Prose.

Xi Du 西渡
2000:《守望与倾听》[Stand Guard and Listen Close], 北京:中央编译 | Collected (brief) essays on general explicit-poetical and poetry-theoretical issues, and on issues and authors including Poetry of the Nineties, Zang Di, Ge Mai and Haizi.

Xi Du 西渡 & Guo Hua 郭骅
2004 (eds):《先锋诗歌档案》[The Avant-Garde Poetry Files], 重庆:重庆 | Poets featured include Sun Wenbo, Wang Jiaxin, Hei Dachun, Xi Chuan, Zang Di, Xi Du, Zhou Zan, Jiang Tao and Hu Xudong. Includes interviews, CD-rom with recordings of recitation (some of it to music) and many photographs; exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories

Xi Mi ♀ 奚密 (= Michelle Yeh)
1998:《現當代詩文錄》[Writings on Modern and Contemporary Poetry], 台北:聯合文學 | Relevant chapters include Chinese-language versions of essays also published in English, such as the introduction to Xi Mi = Yeh’s Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry (1992) and her essay on “Death of the Poet” (1994-1995), as well as pieces on Obscure & Post-Obscure Poetry, exile, “the anxiety of difference” (on the issue of modern Chinese poets “writing for translation”), Haizi, Mang Ke and Che Qianzi.
2000:《从边缘出发:现代汉诗的另类传统》[From the Margins: An Alternative Tradition in Modern Han Poetry], 广州:广东人民 | Contains Chinese-language versions of the introduction to Xi Mi = Yeh’s Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry (1992) and her essay on the “cult of poetry” (1996).Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity.

Xiandai Hanshi Bainian Yanbian Ketizu 现代汉诗百年演变课题组编
1998 (ed):《现代汉诗:反思与求索》[Modern Han Poetry: Introspection and Exploration], 北京:作家 | Essays presented at the 1997 Wuyishan international conference on modern Chinese poetry. Includes many contributions on the avant-garde by a range of critics and poets. Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity. Wang Guangming is generally recognized as the book’s actual editor.

Xiang Weiguo 向卫国
2002:《边缘的呐喊:现代性汉诗诗人谱系学》[Shouts from the Margins: A Genealogy of Poets of Modern Han Poetry], 北京:作家| Has chapters on underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution, Obscure Poetry, the Third Generation (retrospectively divided into “Popular” and “Intellectual” writing), the Middle Generation and the Post-70 Generation, and Women’s Poetry. Han refers to the Chinese language rather than ethnicity.

Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚, Zang Di 臧棣 & Sun Wenbo 孙文波
2000 (eds):《中国诗歌评论2:从最小的可能性开始》[Chinese Poetry Review 2: Start from the Smallest Chance], 北京:人民文学 | Second instalment of a series of journal-like but book-length collections of poetry, criticism and interviews (formally classified as books, not journal issues); see also under Sun Wenbo et al and Zang Di et al. The line-up of contributors reflects an Elevated-Intellectual orientation.

Xiao Quan 肖全
1991 (phot):《我们这一代啊!》[Ah, This Our Generation!], 成都, unofficial | Special issue (in two parts) of the unofficial journal《象罔》[Image Puzzle], dedicated to the work of photographer Xiao Quan, specialized in portraits of artists and writers. Portrayees include Bai Hua, Fu Wei, Zhao Ye, Ouyang Jianghe, Chen Zihong, Wan Xia, Bei Dao, Zhong Ming, Zhai Yongming ♀, Zhang Zao, Wang Yin & Lu Yimin ♀, Xi Chuan, and Chen Dongdong. Expanded editions appeared in 1996 (according to frequent citation, not seen) and 2006 (Xiao Quan 2006). Early precursor of visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.
2006 (phot, auth):《我们这一代》[This Our Generation], 广州:花城 | Expanded edition of Xiao Quan 1991 and 1996 (the latter according to frequent citation, not seen), this time published by a well-known official publishing house. Also contains Xiao Quan’s written recollections of his encounters with portrayees. Portrayees come from literature, art, music, film and theater, and include Bei Dao, Gu Cheng, Guo Lusheng (= Shizhi; also on the cover), Mang Ke, Zhang Zao, Zhai Yongming ♀, Bai Hua & Zhao Ye & Zhong Ming, Ouyang Jianghe, Xi Chuan, Wang Yin, Lu Yimin ♀ and Daozi. Exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.

Xiao Xialin 萧夏林
1994 (ed):《顾城弃城》[Gu Cheng Abandons the City {or: Gu Cheng Abandons Cheng}], 北京:团结 | Contains essays (many originally written for the general media) on Gu Cheng’s murder of Xie Ye and his suicide, earlier essays on Gu Cheng and his poetry, and his own explicit-poetical writings.

Xie Mian 谢冕
1991:《地火依然运行:中国新诗潮论》[Ground Fire Moving On: On China’s New Tide Poetry], 上海:三联 | Chapter 1 of part 2 is on “Modern Image Poetry,” meaning works by the early Obscure poets, with special attention to Yan Yuejun ♀.
2002:《谢冕论诗歌》[Xie Mian on Poetry], 南昌:江西高校 | Collected essays including many pieces on the avant-garde.
2002 (ed):《相信未来:百年百篇文学精选读本·诗歌卷》[Believe in the Future: A Reader of the Finest One Hundred Pieces of One Hundred Years of Literature – Poetry Volume], 天津:天津教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
2003:《谢冕教授学术叙录》[A Record of Scholarly Talks by Professor Xie Mian], 北京:北京大学二十世纪中国文化研究中心 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Xie Mian 谢冕, Sun Shaozhen 孙绍振, Liu Denghan 刘登翰, Sun Yushi 孙玉石, Hong Zicheng 洪子诚 & Yin Jinpei 殷晋培
2007:《回顾一次写作:新诗发展概况的前前后后》[A Look Back at Writing: A Survey of the Development of New Poetry, the Whole Story], 北京:北京大学 | Not seen. Online info suggests that it treats of the avant-garde, albeit not as central subject matter, and has a full bibliography of critical writing by each of the authors.

Xie Yixing 谢宜兴
2002 (ed):《寄身虫》[Parasite], 深圳:福建《丑石》诗报 | Appears to be a one-time semi-official publication, containing criticism, interviews and other commentary on “popular” or unofficial traditions in poetry.

Xie Youshun 谢有顺
2001:《我们并不孤单》[We are not alone], 北京:中国社会科学 | Part 2 contains Xie’s contributions to the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.

Xin Di 辛笛
1997 (ed):《20世纪中国新诗辞典》[A Dictionary of China’s 20th-Century New Poetry], 上海:汉语大词典 | Subject matter includes the avant-garde, albeit not prominently.

Xiong Guohua 熊国华 & Zou Jianjun 邹建军
1995 (eds):《世纪末的沉思:华文新生代诗论集粹》[Contemplation at the End of the Century: The Finest Essays on Chinese Poetry by the Newborn Generation], 北京:作家 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Xu Jingya 徐敬亚
1989:《崛起的诗群》[A Volant Tribe of Bards], 上海:同济 | Collected essays on a range of issues and authors in the period from the late 1970s to the late 1980s. Part 1 is a chronological historical survey of trends, debates, events and so on; part 2 contains more textually oriented criticism on particular schools and thematics, and a long essay on Shu Ting ♀.
1997:《不原谅历史》[History Unforgiven], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose. Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.

Xu Jingya 徐敬亚, Meng Lang 孟浪, Lü Guipin 吕贵品 & Cao Changqing 曹长青
1988 (eds):《中国现代主义诗群大观1986-1988》[Overview of Chinese Modernist Poetry Groups, 1986-1988], 上海:同济大学 | The identification of “groups” is of scholarly interest in itself. In addition, each set of poems is preceded by explicit-poetical statements.

Yan Li 严力
1993:《纽约不是天堂》[New York Isn’t Paradise], 北京:华艺 | Short prose.
2007:《历史的扑克牌》[History’s Poker Cards], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺 | Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.

Yang Chunguang 杨春光
1996:《中国当代青年诗人大辞典》[A Dictionary of Contemporary Young Chinese Poets], 延吉:延边人民 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Yang Jian 杨健
1993:《文化大革命中的地下文学》[Underground Literature during the Cultural Revolution], 济南:朝华 | Issues and authors studied (especially in chapters 3, 4, 7, 11) include underground poetry and salons during the Cultural Revolution, the Baiyangdian “school” (Genzi, Mang Ke, Duoduo), Guo Lusheng (= Shizhi), Yi Qun, Guo Shiying, Zhang Langlang, Xu Xiao ♀ and Zhao Yifan. Most if not all sections on the avant-garde’s underground history are also included in Yang Jian 2002.
2002:《中国知青文学:民间备忘文本》[China’s Intellectual Youth Literature: A Popular Memorandum], 北京:中国工人 | Takes the notion of Intellectual Youth Literature very broadly, expanding it back to the 1950s and forward to the 2000s. Most if not all sections on the avant-garde’s underground history during the Cultural Revolution (in part 3) are also included in Yang Jian 1993.

Yang Ke 杨克
1999 (ed):《1998中国新诗年鉴》[1998 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], 广州:花城 | Has a section containing recent and not-so-recent critical essays, with much attention to the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.
2000 (ed):《1999中国新诗年鉴》[1999 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], 广州:广州 | Has two sections containing recent critical essays, with much attention to the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.
2001 (ed):《2000中国新诗年鉴》[2000 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], 广州:广州 | Has a section containing recent critical essays, with much attention to Lower Body Poetry and the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.
2002 (ed):《2001中国新诗年鉴》[2001 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], 福州:海风 | Has a section containing recent critical essays on various issues, including colloquialization, narrativity, unofficial journals and (other) recent trends.
2004 (ed):《2002-2003中国新诗年鉴》[2002-2003 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], 天津:天津社会科学学院 | Has a section containing recent critical essays on various issues, including lyricism and anti-lyricism and the “voice of the South” in the 1990s.
2006 (ed):《2004-2005中国新诗年鉴》[2004-2005 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], 福州:海风 | Has a section containing critical essays on various issues, including internet poetry, colloquialization and the state of poetry criticism.
2007 (ed):《2006中国新诗年鉴》[2006 Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], 广州:花城 | Has a section containing short prose by poets and critical essays on various issues, including polemics on Petty Literati Poetry & New Critical Realism and on the current development of New Poetry, poetry-theoretical topics, the Middle Generation, Poetry of the Nineties and internet poetry.
2008:《天羊28克》[28 Grams of Heavenly Yang], 北京:作家| Short prose. An explanation of the title (which plays on the homophony of 羊 and 杨) is found in the preface.

Yang Kuanghan 杨匡汉
2005:《中国新诗学》[The Poetics of China’s New Poetry], 北京:人民 | Briefly dwells on Obscure and Post-Obscure Poetry in chapter 11.

Yang Li 杨黎
2004:《灿烂:第三代的写作和生活》[Splendor: The Writing and the Lives of the Third Generation], 西宁:青海人民 | Extensive, personal and often autobiographical, humorous, provocative yet serious memoirs of the 1980s and 1990s, with reference to scores of poets and interviews with many. With many photographs; exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.

Yang Lian 杨炼
1998:《鬼话·智力的空间:杨炼作品1982-1997 – 散文·文论卷》[Ghostspeak – Intellectual Space: Works by Yang Lian, 1982-1997 – Short Prose and Essays Volume], 上海:上海文艺 | Includes a long dialogue of Gao Xingjian and Yang Lian on exile.
2003:《幸福鬼魂手记:杨炼作品1998-2002 – 诗歌、散文、文论》[Notes of a Blissful Ghost: Works by Yang Lian, 1998-2002 – Poetry, Short Prose, Essays], 上海:上海文艺

Yang Lian 杨炼 & Yo Yo ♀ 友友
1994:《人景·鬼话:杨炼、友友海外漂泊手记》[Peoplescapes – Ghostspeak: Notes by Yang Lian and Yo Yo on Wandering Overseas], 北京:中央编译 | Includes a long dialogue of Gao Xingjian and Yang Lian on exile. Transcription of second author’s name follows her preference; Hanyu pinyin would have Youyou.

Yang Siping 杨四平
1999:《中国新诗学》[The Poetics of China’s New Poetry], 北京:作家 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2004:《20世纪中国新诗主流》[The Mainstream in China’s New Poetry of the 20th Century], 合肥:安徽教育 | Includes chapters on Shizhi (12), Bei Dao (13), Liang Xiaobin (14) and Haizi (appendix 2). Interesting in its inclusion of these avant-garde poets in a “mainstream” of modern poetry.

Yang Xiaobin 杨小滨
1999:《历史与修辞》[History and Rhetoric], 兰州:敦煌文艺 | Issues studied include postmodernity, lyricism and anti-lyricism, and the high culture fever of the 1980s.

Yao Jiahua 姚家华
1989 (ed):《朦胧诗论争集》[Collected Articles on the Polemic over Obscure Poetry], 北京:学苑 | Extends the Polemic to include critical essays on Obscure Poetry from as late as 1988.

Yi Sha 伊沙
1999:《一个都不放过》[Not a Single One Will Get Away], 西宁:青海人民 | Short prose.
1999:《俗人理解不了的幸福》[Happiness That the Philistines Will Never Understand], 西宁:青海人民 | Short prose.
2005:《无知者无耻》[Those without Knowledge Are without Shame], 北京:朝华 | Collected (mostly very brief) essays. Contains a (self-styled) section of abusive criticism, and one on the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.
2007:《晨钟暮鼓》[Morning Bells and Evening Drums], in《诗与思:当代诗人随笔文丛》[Poetry and Thought: Short Prose by Contemporary Poets] series, 济南:山东文艺

Yi Sha 伊沙, Xu Jiang 徐江 & Qin Bazi 秦巴子
2000:《时尚杀手:三剑客挑战时尚》[Assassins of Fashion: Three Musketeers Challenging Fashion], 城, 广州:花城 | Collected (mostly brief), wide-ranging essays by three well-known polemicists and literary provocateurs. Issues and authors studied and reflected include the Popular-Intellectual Polemic and the poetry scene at large, Internet Literatue and Haizi.

Yi Sha 伊沙, Zhang Hong 张闳, Xu Jiang 徐江, Qin Bazi 秦巴子 & Shen Haobo 沈浩波
2001:《十诗人批判书》[Criticizing Ten Poets], 长春:时代文艺 | Semi-jocular attacks by avant-garde poets and critics on Guo Moruo, Xu Zhimo, Ai Qing, Shu Ting ♀, Yu Guangzhong, Bei Dao, Cui Jian, Haizi and Wang Jiaxin; the chapter on Yi Sha is by Yi Sha (sic).

Yu Jian 于坚
1997:《棕皮手记》[Brown Notebook], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.
1999:《人间笔记》[Notes from the Human World], 北京:解放军文艺 | Short prose.
2004:《人间笔记:散文》[Notes from the Human World: Short Prose],《于坚集:卷3》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 3], 昆明:云南人民
2004:《正在眼前的事物:散文》[Objects Right in Front of Your Eyes: Short Prose],《于坚集:卷4》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 4], 昆明:云南人民
2004:《拒绝隐喻:棕皮手记·评论·访谈》[Reject Metaphor: Brown Notebook – Criticism – Interviews],《于坚集:卷4》[Collected Works of Yu Jian: Volume 5], 昆明:云南人民 | Collected essays, interviews etc, including many explicit-poetical statements in various forms.

Yu Kexun 於可训
1995:《新诗体艺术论》[On the Art of the Genre of New Poetry], 武汉:武汉大学 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.
2000:《当代诗学》[Contemporary Poetics], 长沙:湖南人民 | The second part, on the 1970s and the 1980s, offers a brief survey history of Obscure (New Tide) and Post-Obscure (Post-New-Tide) Poetry, with special attention to Yang Lian.

Yu Xugang 余徐刚
2004:《海子传:诗歌英雄》[A Biography of Haizi: Hero of Poetry], 南京:江苏文艺

Zang Di 臧棣, Sun Wenbo 孙文波 & Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚
2002 (eds):《中国诗歌评论3:激情与责任》[Chinese Poetry Review 3: Passion and Responsibility], 北京:人民文学 | Third instalment of a series of journal-like but book-length collections of poetry, criticism and interviews (formally classified as books, not journal issues); see also under Sun Wenbo et al and Xiao Kiayu et al. The line-up of contributors reflects an Elevated-Intellectual orientation.

Zeng Fangrong 曾方荣
2007:《反思与重构:20世纪90年代诗歌的批评》[Reflection and Reconstruction: A Critique of Poetry in the 90s of the 20th Century], 武汉:湖北人民 | Issues and authors studied include dwindling readership, Individual Writing, narrativity, Intellectual Writing, Popular Writing, Women’s Poetry, polemics, poetry’s “awkwardness” and marginalization, de-poeticization, poetic form and musicality.

Zha Jianying ♀ 查建英
2006:《八十年代访谈录》[Interviewing the Eighties], 北京:三联 | Relevant inasmuch as avant-garde poetry played a pioneering role in the high culture fever of the 1980s; includes an interview with Bei Dao.

Zhai Yongming 翟永明
1997:《纸上建筑》[Building on Paper], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose.

Zhang Bingzheng 张秉政 & Tan Xudong 谭旭东
2002:《当代新诗观察》[A Survey of Contemporary New Poetry], 北京:中国文联 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Zhang Deming 张德明
2005:《网络诗歌研究》[A Study of Internet Poetry], 北京:中国文史 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Online info: includes sections on general questions of internet poetry as well as case studies.

Zhang Hong 张闳
2003:《声音的诗学》[The Poetics of Voice], 北京:中国人民大 | Issues and authors studied include Not-Not, colloquialization, Intellectual Writing, Ouyang Jianghe, Xiao Kaiyu, Hu Kuan, Zhong Ming, Xiao Hai and Lanlan ♀.

Zhang Ning 张柠
1997:《叙事的智慧》[The Wisdom of Narrative], 济南:山东友谊 | Includes essays on Zhai Yongming ♀ and Yang Ke.
2002:《飞翔的蝙蝠》[Flying Bats], 上海:学林 | Collected essays, including pieces on the poetry scene at large, Hu Kuan, Zhai Yongming ♀ and Yu Jian.

Zhang Qinghua 张清华
1997:《中国当代先锋文学思潮论》[On Trends of Thought in Contemporary Chinese Avant-Garde Literature], 南京:江苏文艺 | Issues and authors studied include underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution, Obscure Poetry, Root-Seeking and Wholism, the Third Generation, Haizi, and feminism and Women’s Poetry.
2002:《内心的迷津:当代诗歌与诗学求问录》[The Heart a Labyrinth: Questions of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics], 济南:山东文艺 | Collected essays, with issues and authors including underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution, Obscure Poetry, the Third Generation, Women’s Poetry, Poetry of the Nineties, the Popular-Intellectual Polemic, Shizhi, Haizi, Ouyang Jianghe, Xi Chuan and Yi Sha.

Zhang Taozhou 张桃洲
2005:《现代汉语的诗性空间》[The Poetic Space of Modern Chinese], 北京:北京大学 | Issues and authors studied include Obscure Poetry, Poetry of the Nineties, Liang Xiaobin, Wang Jiaxin, Zang Di, Zhuzhu and Xi Du.

Zhang Tongdao 张同道
1998:《探险的风旗:论20世纪中国现代主义诗潮》[The Weather Vane of Adventure: On the 20th-Century Modernist Tide in Poetry], 合肥:安徽教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Zhang Xiaohong ♀ 张晓红 (= Jeanne Hong Zhang)
2008:《互文视野中的 “女性诗歌”》[“Women’s Poetry” from an Intertextual Perspective], 桂林:广西师范大学 | Revised, Chinese-language edition of Zhang’s The Invention of a Discourse: Women’s Poetry from Contemporary China (2004). Authors studied include Zhai Yongming ♀, Wang Xiaoni ♀, Hai Nan ♀, Tang Yaping ♀, Zhang Zhen ♀ and Lu Yimin ♀.

Zhang Yaxin ♀ 张亚昕 & Geng Jianhua 耿建华
1988 (eds):《中国现代朦胧诗赏析》[Appreciations of Modern Chinese Obscure Poetry], 广州:花城 | Critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Zhang Yongjian 张永健
1990 (ed):《新时期诗翠精评》[The Finest Poetry of the New Era, with Commentaries], 北京:作家 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Zhong Ming 钟鸣
1990?:《象罔》[Image Puzzle], 成都:unofficial | Short prose. Special issue, dedicated to Zhong Ming. See the bibliography of unofficial journals.
1997:《徒步者随录》[Random Jottings by One on Foot], in《诗人随想文丛》[Random Thoughts by Poets] series, 上海:东方 | Short prose. Not seen; listed in other volumes of the series and on various websites.
1998:《旁观者》[Spectator], 共三册, 海口:海南 | Collected essays, short prose and memoirs on a wide range of topics mostly in literature and art, with a very international outlook. Personal zeitgeist testimony of an avant-garde poet, editor and opinionated critic. With many photographs; exemplifies visualization and modest celebrity discourse of the avant-garde since the late 1990s, with much room for its underground and unofficial histories.
2002:《秋天的戏剧》[Autumn Comedy], 上海:学术 | Collected essays, with issues and authors studied including Obscure Poetry, the Third Generation, Bei Dao, Duoduo, Bai Hua, Zhang Zao, Zhai Yongming ♀ and Haizi.

Zhongdao 中岛
1998 (ed):《伊沙这个鬼:伊沙的诗及相关评论集》[That Devil of an Yi Sha: The Poetry of Yi Sha and Collected Reviews], 北京:《诗参考》编辑部, unofficial | Includes commentaries on Yi Sha’s poetry since the early 1990s.《诗参考》[Poetry Reference] is an unofficial journal.

Zhou Jun 周俊 & Zhang Wei 张维
1991 (eds):《海子、骆一禾作品集》[Works by Haizi and Luo Yihe], 南京:南京 | Includes (commemorative) essays.

Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑
1994 (ed):《打开肉体之门:非非注意:从理论到作品》[Open the Door to the Flesh: Not-Not-ism: From Theory to Works], 兰州:敦煌文艺 | Not-Not-ism multiple-author poetry anthology; contains an explicit-poetical part on Not-Not theory with contributions from Zhou Lunyou and Lan Ma addressing issues including Red Writing, anti-values and pre-culture.
1999:《反价值时代:对当代文学观念的价值解构》[The Era of Anti-Values: Deconstructing the Value of Notions of Contemporary Literature], 成都:四川人民 | Builds on the theoretical legacy of the Not-Not group of which Zhou was a leading member, with reference to many issues and authors in the 1980s and 1990s, and much attention to the Third Generation and modern Chinese literature’s ambivalent relation to Western literatures. In three parts, on (1) anti-culture and anti-values, (2) postmodernism and (3) Red Writing.
2000 (ed):《非非2000》[Not-Not 2000], 香港:新时代 | Criticism issue of the unofficial journal《非非》[Not-Not]. Issues studied include underground poetry during the Cultural Revolution and the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.

Zhou Xiaofeng 周晓风, She Deyin 佘德银 & Huang Zijun 黄子建
1993:《中国当代新诗发展史》[A History of the Development of China’s Contemporary New Poetry], 成都:成都科技大学| Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Zhou Yubing 周玉冰
2005:《面朝大海 春暖花开:海子的诗情人生》[Face to the Sea Spring Warmth Flower Glee: Haizi’s Poetic Life], 合肥:安徽文艺

Zhou Zan ♀ 周瓒
2007:《透过诗歌写作的潜望镜》[Through the Periscope of Writing Poetry], 北京:社会科学文献 | Issues and authors studied include the notion of the avant-garde, Popular Writing, Intellectual Writing, Individual Writing, Women’s Poetry, Haizi, Zhai Yongming ♀ and Zang Di.

Zhou Zhengbao 周政保
1992 (ed):《诗的声音:80年代新诗鉴赏》[The Sound of Poetry: A Critical Anthology of New Poetry from the 80s], 西安:陕西人民教育 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.

Zhu Dake 朱大可
2006:《流氓的盛宴:当代中国的流氓叙事》[The Hooligan Banquet: Contemporary China’s Hooligan Narrative], 北京:新星 | Zhu submits that the cradle of contemporary China’s “hooligan narrative” in literature and art stood in 1980s avant-garde poetry, with a major role for mid-1980s movements in Sichuan and Shanghai such as Campus Poetry, Not-Not, the Macho Men and the Coquetry School (chapter 6). He returns to poetry in chapter 9, with attention to colloquialization and related issues such as Yi Sha’s poetic stutter, Lower Body poetry and the Popular-Intellectual Polemic.

Zhu Ziqing 朱子庆
1991 (ed):《中国新生代诗赏析》[Appreciations of Poetry by China’s Newborn Generation], 北京:宝文堂 | Authors studied include Yu Jian, Daxian, Xiao Jun ♀, Xiao Hai, Ma Li ♀, Ma Yongbo, Wang Yin, Che Qianzi, Shi Guanghua, Xi Chuan, Lü De’an, Li Yawei, Lu Yimin, Chen Dongdong, Yuyu, Shang Zhongmin, Nan Ye, Tang Yaping, Xue Di, Huang Canran, Han Dong, Jianning and Lulu.

Zhuang Rouyu ♀ 莊柔玉
1993:《中國當代朦朧詩研究:從困境到求索》[A Study of Contemporary Chinese Obscure Poetry: From Predicament to Explora­tion], 台北:大安 | With chapters on Obscure Poetry at large, its historical context and its poetics, and on Jiang He, Bei Dao, Shu Ting ♀ and Gu Cheng.

Zou Jianjun 邹建军
1991 (ed):《中国当代青年诗人诗翠精评》[The Finest Poetry by Contemporary Young Chinese Poets, with Commentaries], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.
1993:《中国新诗理论研究》[A Theoretical Study of New Poetry], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed in Liu Fuchun 2006.

Zou Jianjun 邹建军 & Zhao Lingzhen 赵令珍
1993 (eds):《中国朦胧诗、纯情诗多解辞典》[A Dictionary of Multiple Interpretations of Chinese Obscure Poetry and Pure Love Poetry], 武汉:长江文艺 | Not seen; listed on various websites. Appears to be a critical anthology, with poems followed by commentaries.


abusive criticism 骂人
Ai Qing 艾青
Alternative 另类
anti-culture 反文化
anti-lyricism 反抒情
anti-values 反价值
avant-garde 先锋
Bai Hua 柏桦
Bai Ye 白夜
Baiyangdian 白洋淀
Bei Dao 北岛
Beiling 贝岭
Campus Poetry 校园诗歌
Cao Wenxuan 曹文轩
Chang Yao 昌耀
Che Qianzi 车前子
Chen Dongdong 陈东东
Chen Jianhua 陈建华
Chen Sihe 陈思和
Chen Zihong 陈子弘
colloquial 口语
Coquetry School 撒娇派
Cui Jian 崔健
Daxian 大仙
Daozi 岛子
Duoduo 多多
Eradicate Spiritual Pollution 清除精神污染
Fang Xiang 方向
Fu Wei 付维
Gao Xingjian 高行健
Ge Mai 戈麦
Geng Zhanchun 耿占春
Genzi 根子
Gu Cheng 顾城
Guo Lusheng 郭路生
Guo Moruo 郭沫若
Guo Shiying 郭世英
Hai Nan ♀ 海男
Haishang 海上
Haizi 海子
Han Dong 韩东
He Xiaozhu 何小竹
Hei Dachun 黑大春
high culture fever 文化热
Hong Ying ♀ 虹影
Hong Zicheng 洪子诚
hooligan narrative 流氓叙事
Hu Dong 胡冬
Hu Kuan 胡宽
Hu Xudong 胡续冬
Huang Canran 黄灿然
Huang Fan 黄凡
Huang Lihai 黄礼孩
Huang Xiang 黄翔
Individual(ized) Writing 个人(化)写作
Intellectual Writing 知识分子写作
Intellectual Youth 知识青年
Internet Literature 网络文学
Internet Poetry 网络诗歌
Jiang He 江河
Jiang Tao 姜涛
Jianning 简宁
Kaiyu 开愚
Lan Ma 蓝马
Lanlan ♀ 蓝蓝
Li Yawei 李亚伟
Liang Xiaobin 梁小斌
Liang Xiaoming 梁晓明
Liao Yiwu 廖亦武
Lin Mang 林莽
Liu Fuchun 刘福春
Liu Ligan 刘立杆
Lower Body 下半身
Lu Yang 鲁羊
Lu Yimin ♀ 陆忆敏
Lü De’an 吕德安
Lulu 潞潞
Luo Yihe 骆一禾
Ma Li ♀ 马莉
Ma Yongbo 马永波
Macho Men 莽汉
Mang Ke 芒克
Meng Lang 孟浪
Middle Generation 中间代
Middle-Aged Writing 中年写作
Mo Fei 莫非
Modern Image Poetry 现代意象诗
Momo 默默
Mother Tongue 母语
Mou Dunbai 牟敦白
Nan Ye 南野
narrative 叙事
New Critical Realism 新批判现实主义
New Poetry 新诗
Newborn Generation 新生代
Not-Not 非非
Obscure Poetry (aka Misty Poetry) 朦胧诗
Ouyang Jianghe 欧阳江河
Petty Literati Poetry 小文人诗歌
Poetry of the Nineties 九十年代诗歌
Popular Writing 民间写作
Post-70 70后
Post-New Tide 后新诗潮
Post-Obscure Poetry 后朦胧诗
pre-culture 前文化
pure poetry 纯诗
Qian Yulin 钱玉林
Red Guard Poetry 红卫兵诗歌
Red Writing 红色写作
Root-Seeking 寻根
Rupture 断裂
Shang Zhongmin 尚仲敏
Shen Haobo 沈浩波
Shen Wei 沈苇
Shi Guanghua 石光华
Shizhi 食指
Shu Cai 树才
Shu Ting ♀ 舒婷
Shuijingzhulian ♀ 水晶珠链
Song Qu 宋渠
Song Wei 宋炜
Spiritual Pollution 精神污染
Sun Wenbo 孙文波
Tang Danhong ♀ 唐丹鸿
Tang Xin 唐欣
Tang Yaping ♀ 唐亚平
Third Generation 第三代
Tian Xiaoqing 田晓青
Today 《今天》
underground 地下
Wan Xia 万夏
Wang Ai 王艾
Wang Guangming 王光明
Wang Jiaxin 王家新
Wang Qiang 王强
Wang Xiaoni ♀ 王小妮
Wang Yin 王寅
Wholism 整体主义
Women’s Confessional Poetry 女性自白诗歌
Women’s Poetry 女性诗歌
Wu Sijing 吴思敬
Xi Chuan 西川
Xi Du 西渡
Xiao Hai 小海
Xiao Jun ♀ 小君
Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚
Xie Mian 谢冕
Xie Ye 谢烨
Xu Jingya 徐敬亚
Xu Xiao ♀ 徐晓
Xu Zhimo 徐志摩
Xue Di 雪迪
Ya Mo 哑默
Yan Jun 颜峻
Yan Li 严力
Yan Yuejun ♀ 阎月君
Yang Jian 杨键
Yang Ke 杨克
Yang Li 杨黎
Yang Lian 杨炼
Yi Qun 依群
Yi Sha 伊沙
Yin Lichuan ♀ 尹丽川
Yu Guangzhong 余光中
Yu Jian 于坚
Yu Nu 余怒
Yuyu 郁郁
Zang Di 臧棣
Zhai Yongming ♀ 翟永明
Zhang Langlang 张郎郎
Zhang Shuguang 张曙光
Zhang Ye ♀ 张烨
Zhang Zao 张枣
Zhang Zhen ♀ 张真
Zhao Ye 赵野
Zhao Yifan 赵一凡
Zhao Yiheng 赵毅衡
Zheng Danyi 郑单衣
Zheng Min ♀ 郑敏
Zhong Ming 钟鸣
Zhongdao 中岛
Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑
Zhou Zan ♀ 周瓒
Zhu Wen 朱文
Zhuzhu 朱朱


The list of names below is intended to increase findability of this document. It contains predictable or attested alternatives to the orthography this document has used for transcribing poets’ names, and redirects the reader.

Anqi → An Qi
Baiye → Bai Ye
Bei Ling → Beiling
Beidao → Bei Dao
Can Xing → Canxing
Da Xian → Daxian
Dao Zi → Daozi
Duo Duo → Duoduo
Duo Yu → Duoyu
Fangxiang → Fang Xiang
Fuwei → Fu Wei
Gen Zi → Genzi
Gucheng → Gu Cheng
Hai Shang → Haishang
Hai Zi → Haizi
Hainan → Hai Nan
Hongying → Hong Ying
Jian Ning → Jianning
Jianghe → Jiang He
Jie Er → Jie’er
Lan Lan → Lanlan
Lu Lu → Lulu
Mangke → Mang Ke
Mo Mo → Momo
Mofei → Mo Fei
Nanye → Nan Ye
Renwu → Ren Wu
Shi Zhi → Shizhi
Shucai → Shu Cai
Shuijing Zhulian → Shuijingzhulian
Shuting → Shu Ting
Xiaohai → Xiao Hai
Xiaojun → Xiao Jun
Xichuan → Xi Chuan
Xidu → Xi Du
Xuedi → Xue Di
Yamo → Ya Mo
Yi Hai → Yihai
Yiqun → Yi Qun
Yu Yu → Yuyu
Yuan Cun → Yuancun
Zhong Dao → Zhongdao
Zhu Zhu → Zhuzhu