Shanghai Jiaotong positions

Job Opportunities for Comparative Literature, Film Studies, and Cultural Studies at the Institute of Arts and Humanities, Shanghai Jiaotong University

The Institute of Arts and Humanities at Shanghai Jiaotong University is recruiting global talent twice a year (spring and autumn) and inquiries are welcome year round. PhD holders who graduated from Top 50 Universities around the world majoring in Comparative Literature, Film Studies, and Cultural Studies are particularly welcome to apply, especially those who have multiple working languages apart from Chinese and English. Apart from the full-time researcher track (from assistant researcher up, lower pay, no teaching duties) , a regular professorial track (from assistant professor to chair professor , higher pay, with teaching duties) is also provided with competitive salary and housing benefits. Our evaluations mainly focus on the amount of AHCI/SSCI publications the candidates have done and will do, while a limited number of Post-Doc opportunities are also available for those with a good degree but less or no publication yet. Our Post-Docs last two or three years and all have a fairly high chance to transition into the tenure-track positions.

Informal inquiries are encouraged at this stage, and suitable candidates will be invited to submit their works and participate in a recruitment conference held by the School of the Humanities in due time. Please send your CV and inquiries to Professor Flair Donglai SHI at both emails below (in case that one of them bounces back):

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