HK Polytechnic events

List members might be interested in these two talks co-organized by the Confucius Institute of Hong Kong and the Department of Chinese Culture at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Talk 1: Topic: Locations of China in World Literature and World Cinema
Date: 25/3/2021 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00-11:30 am (HK time)
Language: English
Platform: Online (Zoom) (Quota: 300)
Registration link:


This lecture takes a located approach to Chinese literature as world literature and tracks parallel debates on world literature and world cinema by revisiting recurring issues of invisibility, circulation, mapping, worlding, cosmopolitanism, humanism, and globalization. The first section tracks the invisible locations of China in the history of world literature. The second section discusses the emphasis on circulation in new world literature that emerged at the turn of the new millennium and its discontents. The third section examines a parallel development in world cinema and its proactive engagement with circulation and globalization as well as its self-awareness of its evolving locations over the twentieth century. The final section returns to the question of locations of China by evaluating competing positions on world literature in China and the West as well as interrogating what the periodic refashioning of literary studies in the West would mean to Chinese literature as world literature.


Yingjin Zhang 張英進 is Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature and Chair of the Department of Literature at University of California, San Diego, as well as a Visiting Chair Professor of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He is the author of The City in Modern Chinese Literature and Film (Stanford, 1996; Chinese edition 2007), Screening China (Michigan, 2002; Chinese edition 2008), Chinese National Cinema (Routledge, 2004), and Cinema, Space, and Polylocality in a Globalizing China (Hawaii, 2010); co-author of Encyclopedia of Chinese Film (Routledge, 1998), New Chinese-Language Documentaries: Ethics, Subject and Place (Routledge, 2015); editor of China in a Polycentric World (Stanford, 1998), Cinema and Urban Culture in Shanghai, 1922-1943 (Stanford, 1999; Chinese edition 2011), A Companion to Chinese Cinema (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012), A Companion to Modern Chinese Literature (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016); and co-editor of From Underground to Independent (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006), Chinese Film Stars (Routledge, 2010; Chinese edition 2011), Liangyou, Kaleidoscopic Modernity and the Shanghai Global Metropolis (Brill, 2013), Filming the Everyday (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017), and Locating Taiwan Cinema in the Twenty-First Century (Cambria, 2020). He has published ten books in Chinese and over 200 articles in Chinese, English, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Talk 2: 主題:《紅樓夢》英文導讀撰寫的經過和挑戰
時間: 12:00-14:00 (Hong Kong time)
語言: 普通話
平台: 網上平台(Zoom)(名額:300個)

《紅樓夢》在華人世界兩百多年來雅俗共賞,家喻戶曉,但在西方除了研究中國傳統文化的學者外,一般讀者對它完全沒有印象。白先勇和陳毓賢合力撰寫了一本英文導讀,書名是A Companion to The Story of the Stone: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide (《石頭記》逐回導讀),由哥倫比亞大學出版社推出,希望能扭轉這局勢。澳門大學中國歷史文化中心主任朱壽桐教授將以訪問方式,與兩位作者交談,評論此部經典小說為何在西方長期受冷落,他們合作的經過以及所面對的挑戰。



陳毓賢 Susan Chan Egan 祖籍廣東中山,菲律賓生長,曾就讀台灣師範大學,華盛頓大學學士與比較文學碩士,波士頓大學企管碩士,在美國多年從事金融業,其間寫了A Latterday Confucian,哈佛大學1987年出版,中文版《洪業傳》有台北聯經版,北京大學版,和北京商務印書館版。 她退休後在各種刊物發表文章,出版多部英文著作,漢文文集有《寫在漢學邊上》和 其簡體字版《親炙記幸》。



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