Taiwan Lit–cfp

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Taiwan Lit!

We are excited to circulate Calls for Submissions for two new series in our journal’s Special Topic section. These series are guest-edited by Laura Jo-Han Wen and Mao-shan Huang, respectively, on the following themes: “Taiwan in Visual Culture and Transmedia Representations” and 「《侯孝賢的凝視:抒情傳統、文本互涉與文化政治》書評論壇」.

As we continue developing and improving, we have recently added two new pages to the Taiwan Lit website, “Contributors” and “Archive.” You may now access a contributor’s bio either through the navigation panel or by clicking on the author’s name at the top of the posts. The “Archive” stores our past newsletters, in which you can view the tables of contents from all the back issues.

Yours truly,

Taiwan Lit Editorial Team


Taiwan Lit 向讀者問候!

我們很高興在此為Taiwan Lit 的兩個新專輯發佈徵稿啟事。這兩個專輯分別由客座主編溫若含及黃茂善所籌備,主題為:“Taiwan in Visual Culture and Transmedia Representations” 和 「《侯孝賢的凝視:抒情傳統、文本互涉與文化政治》書評論壇」。

為了持續發展改良這個交流平台,我們在Taiwan Lit 新增了「作者簡介」和「檔案室」兩個頁面。您可以透過導覽列上新增的「作者簡介」、或直接點擊文章上端的作者姓名來查閱作者資料。此外,您也可以透過「檔案室」查看我們過去的通訊,以及附於其中的各期目錄。

Taiwan Lit 編輯小組 敬上

Call for Submissions: Taiwan in Visual Culture and Transmedia Representations

(Taiwan Lit Special Topic)

As a digital platform dedicated to Taiwan literature and culture, Taiwan Lit cordially invites submissions on a special topic that explores Taiwan studies through the lens of visual culture and transmedia representations. Established by pioneers from fields such as history, literature, art, and social sciences, Taiwan studies has now developed into an interdisciplinary subject extending beyond the excavation and archiving of underrepresented memories. As more and more discussions have been revolving around the theoretical paradigms for studying Taiwan, we think that now would be the time to thematically examine how Taiwan studies may be interpreted in the realms of visual and media culture, a boundary-crossing approach that has received rich academic attention in recent decades.

The guest editor of this special topic encourages submissions addressing, but not limited to, the following issues:

1) A study of Taiwan through the medium of visual culture. For instance, a discussion of the visual significance or intermediality of a Taiwanese cultural phenomenon through literature, art, photography, film, television, radio, the Internet, and other forms of old and new media;

2) The visual apparatus in a Taiwanese context, such as the ways in which museums, historical architecture, or festivals serve as visual apparatuses that embody power dynamics and the structure of seeing and feeling;

3) A methodological inquiry into how the visual and media culture negotiates with and informs the study of Taiwan.

We invite submissions in either English or Chinese with no fixed length requirements. Please send abstracts of 150–250 words by April 12, 2021, to guest editor Laura Jo-Han Wen (LauraWen@rmc.edu). Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit a short essay, in writing or multimedia, by July 31, 2021, for consideration to be included in this special topic of Taiwan Lit in late 2021.




意者請聯繫黃茂善(電子信箱: isumislam@gmail.com), 來信請說明書評預擬書寫方向,以利整合。

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