A new group has formed called Critical China Scholars. We have organized a two-part roundtable discussion on Zoom, “Viral Politics: Left Perspectives on the World and China.”
Session 1 is Thur, June 18, 7-9 p.m. EDT; Session 2 is Thur, July 2, 7-9 p.m. EDT.
We hope you’ll consider joining us for the events and learning more about the organization — a website and listserv will be coming soon. Please note: The events are free, but we are asking people to register through Eventbrite.
We are hoping for an audience that includes scholars, activists, and the general public. Please share with anyone you think will be interested!
Viral Politics: Left Perspectives on the World and China
Presented by Critical China Scholars and co-sponsored by Verso Books, Haymarket Books, n+1, Made in China Journal, The Nation, New Politics, and The Political Economy Research Institute (PERI).
The COVID-19 pandemic has become the latest locus of growing US-China tensions, opening crucial conversations for the international left related to the principles of anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-racism, and anti-imperialism. As critical scholars of China, we will take up these issues in a two-part webinar series.
We begin with the questions: How can we move from scapegoating China to developing an analysis of capitalism, authoritarianism and imperialism as global systems that produce crises and injustices? How can we address proliferating social inequalities, political oppression, and environmental degradation amid geopolitical tensions? How do we counter China-bashing abroad without sidelining the legitimate concerns of Chinese citizens and social movements in China? How do we address rising xenophobia, racism, and nationalism in pandemic times? And, what is the role of China scholars in producing critical knowledge and engaging with political questions?
Session 1: Against Capitalism and Imperialism
Thur, June 18, 7-9 p.m. EDT
Moderator: Rebecca Karl, NYU
Yige Dong, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Eli Friedman, Cornell University
Andrew Liu, Villanova University
Isabella Weber, University of Massachusetts
Jake Werner, Boston University
Zhun Xu, Howard University
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/left-perspectives-on-the-world-and-china-part-one-tickets-109214433310
Session 2: Against Racism and Nationalism
Thur, July 2, 7-9 p.m. EDT
Moderator: Aminda Smith, Michigan State University
David Brophy, University of Sydney
Fabio Lanza, University of Arizona
Alex Lee, University of Sydney
Kevin Lin, Hong Kong University
Sigrid Schmalzer, University of Massachusetts
Shan Windscript, University of Melbourne
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/left-perspectives-on-the-world-and-china-part-two-tickets-109224463310