Muslin detentions updates

My running bibliography on the Xinjiang concentration camps has been updated, at:

Also, three important things to report from yesterday:

1. In Geneva, in her FIRST speech, the new UN chair of the human rights commission, Michelle Bachelet (former Chilean president who was once herself a political prisoner), expressed grave concerns about the Xinjiang camps, and demanded full access to all of China, including Xinjiang, for her high office:

2. Big report from Human Rights Watch was released: A massive refutation of the Chinese govt denials of these atrocities:

“Eradicating Ideological Viruses” – China’s Campaign of Repression Against Xinjiang’s Muslims. HRW, September 9, 2018.

3. At my university we held a roundtable discussion with three faculty, which went very well, big crowd, including great Q&A:

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