Sogang University in Seoul will host a two-day international conference on Chinese Cultures on 21 and 22 December 2017. This conference is designed to facilitate transnational, transdisciplinary and transgenerational discussion.
On the first day, we will have a series of lectures by distinguished scholars on various topics and a roundtable on the topic of “Chinese Studies outside China”. The undergraduate and graduate student conference will be held on the second day. The student conference is designed to give the next generation of scholars in Chinese studies a chance to get feedback from other students and internationally recognized scholars from different parts of the world. The sessions will be held either in English or in Chinese.
The 2017 Sogang Transcultural China International Conference is funded by the CORE project of the Korean Ministry of Education. We cover the expenses of flight fares, accommodation and meals for all the presenters including students.
Adam Yuet Chau (The University of Cambridge), “The host versus the religious subject: Two ways of doing religion in contemporary China”
Laikwan Pang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), “Body and Discipline in China’s Cultural Revolution”
Lü Xinyu (East China Normal University), “When Feminism Encounters New Documentary Movement”
鈴木將久 (Hitotsubashi University), “竹內好思想中的’中國文學'”
吳旻旻 (國立臺灣大學), “翻開皺褶, 重新指認, 談臺灣90年代小說的記憶書寫”
張赬 (清華大學), “類型學視野的漢語形狀量詞研究”
Jeesoon Hong
Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Culture
Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea