Xu Zhimo event

I’m one of the organizers for the Xu Zhimo event in New York tomorrow. The reason that we are conducting the event in Chinese is that the event is not in the form of a symposium, but rather readings of Xu’s poems and music tributes. We do have some speeches and readings in English such as the remarks by Dr. Tony Hsu, Xu Zhimo’s grandson and a UN interpreter (on a poem he translated into English). See the event program at:

http://chineselectures.org/program_en.pdf (in English)
http://chineselectures.org/program_chinese.pdf (in Chinese)

For people who are interested, you are welcome to tune in live streaming from 2 to 4:30 pm tomorrow at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYloBzl4EWCXn0pXIOa9SOg/live.

The event description is at http://chineselectures.org/upcoming.html

Yong Ho <ho@un.org>

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