Austin College position

Austin College seeks two-year ASIANetwork-Luce Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow

Colleagues, with the support of ASIANetwork and the Luce Foundation, Austin College is seeking a two-year teaching post-doc in Chinese/East Asian Studies: the job posting is linked below.  You’ll see that we’re looking for someone who specializes in Chinese politics, broadly defined (we are an interdisciplinary program that will welcome applicants treating the very broad concept of Chinese politics from a variety of approaches).

One of the conditions of the grant was a detailed plan for mentoring a new Ph.D. into life as a faculty member (particularly at a liberal arts college).  AC has a great infrastructure in place for this and is a wonderful and supportive community. The position is a great opportunity for a recent Ph.D. to develop into a competitive tenure-track applicant.

I’m happy to answer questions about the college, the EAS program, or the position at

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