Module 3 Reflections

Module 3
covers communication techniques while using technology. Being the generation consumed by technology “netiquette” is very important to know how to use the internet properly. Especially  being a college student you are regularly communicating with professors, furture employers, and other authortive firgures. Some tips I learned were advoiding sarcasm, using all caps, and using slangs. Though it may be hard to resist breaking these habits, there are some major pay offs. For example, it is less intiminating to email your professor a question you may have felt embaressed to ask in class, or just having a written comfirmation on record. Though there are some pay offs from emailing your professor there are some cons, such as the non verbal cues and misunderstanding. Disscusion post are also very informative, they help build communication and comprehension skills. The same goes with Disscusion post replies help demostrate your ideas and thoughts in a constructive manor. It is helpful while writing or replying to a disscusion post to use spell check, create a approiate header, and re-reading your work. Nothing is worst than trying to prove a point, or convey a message and their is numerous spelling errors.  Lastly when it comes to online collberation such as group projects that invovle blog post or any other forms of technology, it is important to make sure you set goals, and make sure you meet them, gather infomation and ideas, and create an calander for future due dates. Over all, modudle 3 explains how to use proper” netiquette” and communication skill to help you be sucessful not just in your college career but in your overall life.


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