October 2020 Webinar: Trees and Health: Planting Tips and Tree Mapping Across OSU

Join the OSUWMC Green Team to learn about trees and their impact on health and how the medical center was one of the first 16 health systems to receive the Tree Campus Healthcare designation from the Arbor Day Foundation. Lina Sasaki, Tree Mapping Manager at Ohio State, and Adrian Speelman from Horticulture and Crop Science will then speak about proper tree planting techniques and the benefits of trees across campus and in our community – plus they will share the amazing tree mapping effort underway.

To watch the replay, click here!

August 2020 Webinar: Increasing Ecosystem Services at The Ohio State University

Our landscapes, natural and human influenced, are the source of many benefits to us. These benefits are referred to as ecosystem services. As a major landowner and operator, The Ohio State University manages a wide range of landscapes with a primary focus of supporting learning, teaching, and discovery. This presentation will cover the university’s efforts to develop a sustainability goal focused on Ecosystem Services.

To view replay, click here!

July 2020 Webinar: Reducing Food Waste in Central Ohio

Lucy Schroder will be speaking to us on reducing food waste. Lucy works as food waste expert for SWACO, facilitating the food waste reduction work of the Central Ohio Food Waste Initiative. The Central Ohio Food Waste Initiative works to cut the region’s food waste in half by 2030, by implementing 20 solutions laid in their Central Ohio Food Waste Action Plan. Lucy serves as a central hub for this work, facilitating partnerships with local and national food waste players, managing project implementation, and enabling collaborative work between the Initiative’s 150+ members.

Catch the replay here!