Plastic Free Every Day

Plastic Free July is ending, but habits to remove and reduce use of plastic can continue year-round. 

Plastic is literally everywhere, and it can be overwhelming deciding where to start. has great resources on getting started; plastic free at work;  at events; and more!

A recent article from Sierra Club discusses your plastic-free kitchen and provides tips such as utilizing glass jars; reusable produce bags; alternatives to plastic wrap; and thinking twice about what and where you buy.  Until we have regulatory policies that ensure all chemicals are safe, we will still have toxic chemicals in our homes. Focus on a few things here that will improve your life and reduce your exposure. Don’t try to seek perfection, says Schreder, which is ‘too much on us on the individual, instead of holding the industry and government accountable enough.'” also recently posted an article, Pass on Pesky Plastics, with information and simple ideas.

Buy whole produce –  Instead of buying half a vegetable such as a cabbage, or pumpkin wrapped in plastic, many people are choosing the whole thing.  By planning meals ahead and making a double batches of meals such as pumpkin soup it’s easily to find ways to use it all and freeze a meal as well.

Avoid plastic cleaning products – Choose plastic free cleaning products and homemade alternatives.

Swap bottled soaps with bars – Swapping out liquid soap in plastic bottles to bar soap is a popular way to reduce plastic waste. Bar soaps can be found without packaging in bulk food, health, and organic stores. Supermarkets also offer bar soaps wrapped in paper packaging, providing eco-friendly options almost everywhere.

***Did you know that you can host a Zero Waste Event with OSU? Learn more and order your Zero Waste Event Kit here!

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